SoftMaker's FreeOffice is a free and lightweight office suite that includes a variety of productivity tools for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. It offers users a familiar and straightforward interface, making the transfer from other office suites simple. Despite its low cost, Free...
CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD (20 PAIRS) Alternative medicine is becoming morepopularity / popularin Bahrain. More and more people are tryingthings / thinglike hypnotherapy and reiki. Hypnotherapy is when a hypnotherapisttrying / triesto change the feelings and behavior of people. Many people use it to...
“Listening To The Rainmakers” : A Documentary Podcast Series. We’re always delighted to work with creative people who want to tell their stories through audio. We’re recently finished post-production on a fantastic project in which we partnered with York […] ...
Here as elsewhere the argument is very ancient. For Greek authors of the Homeric period, the word ‘justice’ (diké) was synonymous with a mutually agreeable settlement. InThe Laws,Platodistinguished between the best judge, who destroys the wicked, the second best judge, who subordinates the wi...
Note: PDF from Word/Excel/PPT feature is only available in UPDF for Windows now. However, it will soon be introduced to the Mac, iOS, and Android apps in succession. Conclusion Foxit PDF Editor Online is undeniably a robust platform for those looking to tweak, adjust, and enhance their ...
WPS Office | Online free open office suite, alternative to Microsoft / MS word, excel, powerpoint etc. Can be downloaded free online for school students or business to use word document, spreadsheet, presentation & free pdf convert to other files with Ma
open source alternative to MS Office OpenOffice is a free, Open Source alternative to MS Office with a Word compatible word processor, a complete Excel compatible spread sheet program and a Power Point like presentation software and drawing program and also allows to save to PDF file. In additio...
moved elsewhere, “I want to put my lights out” they yearn. Written “by and for my body”, ‘Open Wide’ sees Sinaiko reflect on an intense period where they finally came to understand themselves as a nonbinary trans person. “My body wants to let every fucking word fly”, they ...
“ASHA clinical committees have determined that the peer reviewed, published literature to support reflexology as a diagnostic/assessment procedure or for therapeutic intervention of visceral conditions is not established as having diagnostic utility or as being clinically effective, is not professionally rec...
Many thanks go also to David Payne for his thor-ough in-depth commentary on the essay. Feminist Media as Alternative Media? | 57zine with the same name appear alongside “new media” and hybrid genres such as the UK e-zine The F-Word (since 2001), such blogs as the Romanian F.I.A...