I'm looking for an alternative add-ins to create user forms in VBA for Mac, since the Microsoft team removed it from the recent versions for Mac OS. Do...
This is a join group that supports free software and free culture. It also presents two software freedom companies that sell RYF certified hardware, Minifree and Vikings. They communicates with its own technologies, Freepo.st, a discussion board similar to Reddit. They have clearobjectives...
I can't seem to find something in the help which matches what I'm looking for. I have a workbook with a worksheet of input parameters, one of which I want to use to select a worksheet with a range of numbers which is then used as an input range in another. I have a matrix ...
Also, do you have a response to people’s concerns about apps being *exclusively* behind an app marketplace? Something like “In order to download Microsoft Word, you must download the Microsoft Store marketplace on your iPhone.”? I7guy macrumors Nehalem Nov 30,...
If you have anygreat deck ideasthat use some of these alternate win cons or you just want to talk Magic, you can find us onFacebook,Twitter, orReddit. That’s all for me. See you next time! Follow Draftsim for awesome articles and set updates: ...
How to Turn off Windows Firewall for Windows 10 Turn off Windows Firewall via Settings Turn off Windows Firewall via Control Panel Turn off Windows Firewall for Windows 10 A word of caution is that it is not recommended to turn off Windows Firewall unless you are troubleshooting problems or...
Although Microsoft SyncToy is a reliable tool andSyncToy Windows 11can be workable after installing .NET Framework 2.0, some of you want an alternative to this software. If you need to automatically sync many folders, you need to turn to Task Scheduler. Besides, SyncToy isn’t officially com...
Microsoft Workloads: AWS: Azure: Google: IBM Containers on Cloud: AWS: Azure: Google: IBM Build Data Lakes On Cloud: AWS: Azure: Google: IBM Well-Architected Cloud: AWS: Azure: Google: IBM Cloud Adoption Models: AWS: Azure: Google: IBM Data Analytics IT on Cloud: AWS: Azure: Google:...
Chat with us:Discord|Twitter|Reddit Yet another remote desktop software, written in Rust. Works out of the box, no configuration required. You have full control of your data, with no concerns about security. You can use our rendezvous/relay server,set up your own, orwrite your own rendez...
Microsoft should have something like that in Windows 7 (and even this as just an option), instead of its default messy dialogue. In Windows 10 things are different, so nice that you don’t need any special freeware. You may also like to combine this with NumPad Transformer, a program tha...