To survey women's views on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), alternative therapies and sexual health using the Internet. Study design and main outcome measures. Three questionnaires were offered on a UK, patient-tailored, independent, clinician-led dedicated menopause website. They covered HRT, ...
To survey women's views on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), alternative therapies and sexual health using the Internet. Study design and main outcome measures. Three questionnaires were offered on a UK, patient-tailored, independent, c... GP Cumming,J Herald,R Moncur,... - 《Menopause Inte...
Eine aktive Infektion mit Erkrankung desPatienten fu ̈hrt zu einer Anreicherung der Tuberkulose-spe-zifischen T-Lymphozyten im Kompartiment der Infektion.Die Quantifizierung der Tuberkulose-spezifischen T-Lym-phozyten mit dem TSPOT, z.B. im Pleurapunktat, und derVergleich mit der ...
EUR den Anderen Gewinnrücklagen zugeführt werden; gegenläufig wirkte die Ausschüttung der Vorjahresdividende. Der Anteil des Eigenkapitals ist, im Wesentlichen aufgrund des Rückgangs der Bilanzsumme, auf 35 (i.V. 32) Prozent angestiegen. Einsatz von Finanzinstrumenten Die Siemens A...
Calling supplements CAM is an attempt to legislate vitamins even natural compounds and herbs that have been around for centuries off the market place. Produce fakes, they wont work and we can then ban them completely. Meanwhile synthetic copies of hormones (what else is HRT?) are given out ...
Patient SelectionHormone replacement therapy (HRT), whether this consists of unopposed estrogen or estrogen combined with a progestogen, is a very effective intervention for the management of estrogen deficiency symptoms. However, combined regimens are associated with a small increase in the risk of ...
A multi-center, randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trial of estrogens to prevent Alzheimer's disease and loss of memory in women: design and basel... BACKGROUND: Observational studies and small clinical trials suggested that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) decreases risk of cognitive loss...