with a special emphasis on Women’s Health and Hormones. We invite healthcare professionals and thought leaders in the fields of endocrinology, integrative medicine, functional medicine, and women’s health. The conference aims to equip attendees with practical skills...
Alternative Therapies, Health and Medicine, peer reviewed, journal, alternative, innovision health media, health
The use of canine-assisted therapy (CAT) in healthcare is expanding and the purpose of this review is to highlight its potential use in the surgical patient. While CAT literature to date has detailed widespread benefits in blood pressure control and improving pain, anxiety, and stress, little ...
Paul Howard, MD;Keith Wilkinson, ND A 50-y-old male in otherwise good health was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis with a lumbar spinal t score of -3.8. Further testing revealed no underlying causes other than a family history of the disease. He was placed on a trial regimen of 450 mg ...
The main advantage of these therapies is to treat the basic cause of disease and health related problems or to support the conventional therapies. Not only are the variety of alternative therapies measured to be safe and effective, they also deal individuals a wide variety of health therapy that...
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine简介简介简介 Alternative Therapies in Healthand Medicine(《保健与医学替代疗法》)于1995年创刊(ISSN:1078—6791),是美国Inno Vision通信集团旗下的一本同行评议杂志,报道补充替... 李霄茜,周庆辉 - 《Journal of Integrative Medicine》 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 ...
本文介绍发表大量中医药论文的英文SCI期刊Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,简称ATHM。该期刊的中文译名是《健康和医学的替代疗法》。其ISSN号码是1078-6791。 该期刊官网位于alternative-therapies.com。该期刊的中科院大类分区是4区。学科分类的大类是医学,小类是全科医学与补充医学。 该期刊的出版社在美国...
Alternative Medicine is an information resource regarding Holistic and Natural solutions for a wide range of health conditions. Read to learn more.
The International Journal on Complementary & Alternative Medicine provides a global platform for discussion, perspectives and research on healing resources that encompasses all health systems, modalities, and practices and their accompanying theories and
《替代与补充医学杂志》(Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine)是一本以医学-全科医学与补充医学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Mary Ann Liebert Inc.出版商创刊于1995年,刊期Bimonthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-全科医学与补充医学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该...