The Living Cosmos is an alternative explanation to the Big Bang theories of cosmic creation and evolution. It differs from the Big Bang on two major points. First, the Big Bang began suddenly with a singularity containing an undetermined amount of "pure energy" that was not conserved as it ...
big bang dark energy (and 5 more) 1reply 603views icarus2 August 14, 2023 Am I wasting my time? A Quantum Gravity Theory. ByJon,June 15, 2023 1reply 841views Moontanman June 19, 2023 An ancient energy source gets a second life to perpetuity.12 ...
Spin and Matter Creation: An Alternative to the Problem of Structure Formation in the Big-Bang Universe This paper offers a new theory of structure formation in the Universe at the quantum level, is supported by observational astronomy. We do not rely on any form of Big Bang Cosmology to ...
we need to uncancel it immediately. Well, you just put me through to the people who handle that, you tell them it’s me, and I don’t want to answer a lot of questions about if I really am who I say I am, you know?
Series written by Wal Thornhill. Narrated by Stuart Talbott. Wal often drew attention to the importance of admissions made by mainstream scientists when unexpected results are first obtained. One frequently encounters unusual candor about the results falsifying prevailing theories in the first statements...
The isolation-idealization (sounds like a big bang theory episode title :D) is probably good enough as long as we talk about energy and particle exchange. But when it comes to correlations (especially entanglement) we have to be much more careful. If I get your references right (...
without the need for an explosive Big Bang (perhaps implying a cyclic Universe). The theory also implies that we live in a Universe with equal amounts of matter and antimatter, as expected by standard theories. To Villata, these results make repulsive gravity an alluring alternative to dark ...
Ecospirituality has thus integrated into its frame of reference a scientific explanation of the world which is, however, mixed with other, sometimes more esoteric theories. As the historian of religions Kocku von Stuckrad reminds us in his book A Cultural History of the Soul. Europe and North ...
Since the Metaverse refers to a vision of the Future of the Internet in society rather than being a current reality, it is to be situated early in STS. Thus, this study draws on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary theories and insights from STS, and its methodological approach is descriptive...
So the pieces continue to fall into place. Little by little, the picture is filled in, the questions get answered. And the conclusions become more incontrovertible. This is just the sort thing that happened with the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory; and the theory of continental...