Atlas Discovery Scan your endpoints to locate all of your Certificates. Sign Up SSL Configuration Test Check your certificate installation for SSL issues and vulnerabilities.Contact Support Chat with Us Submit a Ticket If you are an Atlas portal user, please submit request to support-atlas@glob...
Additionally, the name, phone number, and relationship for two secondary contacts are also collected, in the event we cannot reach participants directly. The research assistant sends an SMS to the participant's phone after they have consented to the study and while they are still in the ...
participant names is password-protected and stored on a password-protected hard drive and backed up on a weekly basis. Only fully de-identified data will be made public. Audio recordings of intervention sessions and AUDIT assessments are stored on the study team’s Microsoft Sharepoint or a si...
d Model RNA 1 homodimer duplex for testing SHARC crosslinking and reversal. e Crosslinking efficiency of a series of SHARC reagents on the model RNA 1 duplex. Common names for the 9 dicarboxylic acids to prepare the crosslinkers: oxalic, succinic, diglycolic, glutaric, 6,6′-binicotinic, ...
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Autophagy and RNA alternative splicing are two evolutionarily conserved processes involved in overlapping physiological and pathological processes. However, the extent of functional connection is not well defined. Here, we consider the role for alternati
National Institutes of Health under contract HHSN26120080001E. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US ...
input target update input topic assignment input topic endorsement input topic input topic names input topics capability input up down vote capability input user chatter settings input user id collection input user input user message user message recipient input user message recipient lis...
Seit ein paar Tagen sind "reine Online-Dateien" im Finder nicht mehr sichtbar, können deswegen auch nicht mehr angeklickt und geöffnet werden. Das ist übel...
The subsample names must be identical to the first part of the file names of the RNAseq data before the first occurrence of a dot in the file name; usually everything until the file ending .fq.gz . For paired-end RNAseq data, the subsample name is defined by the first RNAseq file ...