Sadly, oscillococcinum, mere sugar pills, hides among the real meds at CVS. (click/enlarge) A Baker’s Quarter Dozen So let’s make some cookies! Oddly enough, critics of the plain sugar cookies I bought for this project claimed the they were “GMO,” apparently because they didn’t have...
Alternative to Meds Center has focused on ADHD medication withdrawal (and withdrawal from other prescription medications) for a decade and a half. We havepublished evidenceregarding our clients’ tremendous successes. Discovering and effectively handling the root causes of unwanted symptoms is the meat ...
Is your child exhibiting symptoms of ADD or ADHD? The Canadian Mental Health Organization highlights the fact that diagnosing ADD and ADHD is extremely difficult. In particular, they state: “Children with these disorders are inattentive, overly impulsive and, in the case of ADHD, hyperactive.” ...