The author mentions that although dental problem is the second most expensive treatment in the U.S. yet the policies of government does not allow the dental services easily accessible to all. The author further suggests that in order to improve the health of the entire population, the ...
The Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice: A Practice Inquiry SurveyDoherty, RachelFrancisco, ElenaJournal of the California Dental Hygienists' Association
The purpose of this study was to determine if Registered Dental Hygienists (RDHs) who use Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMP) have greater career satisfaction than those who use Conventional Therapy (CT). An electronic survey was sent to ADHA members...
The article features registered dental hygienists in alternative practice (RDHAP) in California who have found ways to serve those in need. Topics covered include the benefit of serving those in need to Karine Strickland, the satisfaction experienced by Susan McLearan in working in a skilled ...
Objectives The use of conventional treatment for work‐related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) reduces the prevalence of pain, but with popularity of complementary alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for treatment, it is important to explore their use and impact on dental hygienists (DHs) quality...
Role of the dental hygienist in nutritional education and alternative sugar consumption for the prevention of dental cariesMoretti, SDoldi, JMarchisio, OVitale, M C
An interview with Katherine Kane, a California registered dental hygienist in alternative practice (RDHAP), is presented. Topics discussed include her involvement in the creation of the RDHAP in California, the reason behind her decision to become an RDHAP and her education level. Also mentioned ...