The present work (as a field study) investigated the role of compressed natural gas (CNG), as an automotive fuel in CO, HC and CO 2 emissions in vehicle exhaust. Besides evaluating the influence of the fuel-feed systems into their cylinders on a vehicular emission level, two different ...
Alternative Fuels for Cars Automobiles are considered one of the largest contributors to climate change – only preceded by the effect of fossil fuel power generation plants [1]. This means that the automobile industry is under a lot of pressure to cut down on carbon emissions globally by findin...
alternativefuel 替代燃料() 也可见: alternative名— 替代名 · 其他名 · 备选名 alternative— 替代品 · 选择 alternative形— 另类的形 · 备用的形 · (能源)替代的形 · 备选的形 · 非传统的形 fuel名— 燃料名 · 燃料名 · 燃油名 ...
cars, every of 600kW. They had a conventional breakup ring commutator, which required servicing periodically. These commutators have beenchanged using external strong state devicesin the refurbishment, which furnished for electronic traction management and cargo equalizing. This has ended in animprovement...
hybridandalternative- fueloptionsoveratimehorizonoffiveyears.Characteristicssuchasvehiclepurchaseprice,fuel andmaintenancecost,acceleration,alternativefuelincentives,fuelavailabilityandpollution levelswereusedtodescribeeachvehiclepresented.Toourknowledge,thisisthefirststudyof itskindthatfocusesattheurbanlevelandtheCanadian...
有些区域购买能使用天然气或可选其他燃料的车. 互联网 We can harness homegrown,alternative fuelslike ethanol and spur the production of more fuel - efficient cars. 我们可以利用国产的和乙醇之类的可替代燃料,鼓励生产更多的节能汽车. 互联网 Other sorts ofalternative fuelsare also subsidized including ethan...
This paper models consumer preferences for alternative fuel cars and conventional, petrol fueled cars in China. It compares discrete choice model specifications where each specification reflects how consumers choose between alternative fuel cars and conventional types of cars. We find that, in China, co...
Alternative fuel cars Alternative Fuel Discount Alternative Fuel News Alternative fuel sources for motorcars Alternative Fuel Standard Alternative Fuel Technologies Alternative fuel vehicle Alternative fuel vehicle Alternative Fuel Vehicle Group Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Alter...
Building the infrastructure would require an additional investment of €3-5 billion annually until 2020 and then fall to €2.5bn per year until 2050, assuming that there will be 70 million hydrogen fuel cell cars on Europe's roads, the experts estimate. Methane cars, on the other hand, are...
fuel and the vehicle technology when evaluating options for reducing air pollution. Light-Duty Vehicles: Cars, Trucks, and Vans Number of Carbon Atoms H y d r o c a r b o n E m i s s i o n s ( m g / m i ) 0 50 100 150 200 250 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...