1981. Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) scorpionflies: systems for understanding resource-defense polygyny and alternative reproductive efforts. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 12: 355–386. Article Google Scholar Thornhill, R. 1984. Alternative female choice tactics in the scorpionfly Hylobittacus apicalis ...
The bark, fruits, leaves, roots, and seeds ofC. macrostachyusare reported to possess diverse medicinal properties and cure various human and animal diseases and ailments throughout the distributional range of the species (Table1).Croton macrostachyusis used as herbal medicine for at least 61 and ...
Meteorological stability for Pasquill's classes. Wind Speed (m/s) Day Time Size of Radiation Intensity Night Time Strong Moderate Slight Cloudy Sunny <2 A A–B B F F 2~3 A–B B C E F 3~5 B B–C C D E 5~6 C C–D D D D 6> C D D D D A: Very unstable, B: ...