Focuses on an electronic circuit design of a pump-down application. Importance of alternating relays for preserving pumps; Use of a complementary metal oxide semiconductor seven-stage ripple counter; Advantages of using the counter chip.NormetHennoEBSCO_AspElectronic Design...
The electronic alternating relay is designed to replace mechanical style devices used in control applications requiring a duplexing or alternating action of the control circuits to operate pumps, compressors, etc. Two LEDs are located on the top of dust resistant enclosure to provide the status of ...
In our MD simulations, we observe that protonation of Asp41 releases this residue from Arg122, enabling the rotation/bending of TMs 1 and 4 (Fig.6avs.6c, middle panel). Under this condition, the charge-relay network between Asp142TM4-Arg91TM3-Asp87TM2in the NTD, essential for the asse...
The installation comprises pumping gear for supplying cooling-water to the anodes and grids of the power amplifiers ; also " backing " pumps and Langmuir pumps for maintaining the necessary high vacuum inside the valves ; and safety gear for ensuring the proper functioning of these accessories. ...