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A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close alternating current(redirected from Alternate current)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. al·ter·nat·ing current (ôl′tər-...
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As I mentioned in my games roundup, Amnesia is an interesting landmark for otome games, one that shows it’s a truly reflexive genre. While I feel creators like Christine Love are doing more interesting things in the realm of visual novels, otome are beginning to push against themselves, un...
*Specialnotemustbementionedaboutbunkersandpillboxes.Inthepastartillerywassomewhat effectiveagainstbunkersandpillboxesbutnow(andintherealworld)theyarenot.Youwillfind thatnow,asintherealworld,thebestweaponagainstbunkersandpillboxesisnotartillery,itis directfirefrommediumorheavyandATguns. -Standardizedallartilleryofcal...
You might choose a different POV for each chapter, or even each scene. As you do so, use the same six-step process mentioned above in selecting the appropriate character. Also, make transitions between POV characters clear to the reader. In the first sentence of a section with a new POV...
Miss Cyd HO has mentioned the flourishing age of the powerful Tang Dynasty in her speech. legco.gov.hk 何秀蘭議員亦提及大唐的雄風盛勢 ,我個人是很 喜歡讀歷史的,我對大唐的雄風盛勢 亦非常敬仰。 legco.gov.hk [...] years that ...
"I Believe Song: What Steve's Really Singing": This is the above mentioned song Chosen sings in it's original audio, where he sings about Sam Donaldson. "Groinkick-O-Rama": In the final fight, Chosen attempts to kick, punch and even head-butt Betty in the groin, to no effect. ...
As word of this force arrived, the Japanese warriors defending the castles between the Nishiki and Oze Rivers gained new resolve. Castles fell only through costly assaults that consumed much in the way of bombs and Mongol lives, while Takeda's forces repeatedly raided Mongol lines....
My only regret is not using a false Antoku (who as I mentioned earlier, was in reality drowned by Taira clan in their mass suicide after their final defeat at Dan-no-ura in 1185) earlier, especially in relation to Kyushu, since there are many traditions of his survival ther...