The group pools the money it otherwise would pay an insurer, earning investment income on funds held in reserve. If a SIG program cuts down on workplace injuries and claim costs, the surplus, or "dividend," from premiums is returned to members. Of course, if a company or the group as ...
Many events rely on the free labor of volunteers and speakers in order to run, and while many of us don’t have a budget to run events on, we have to think of alternative ways of respecting labor instead of resigning to exploiting others for some sense of the greater good. I also ...
Sunday, January 9th, 1972: Congressman Wilbur Mills (D-AR), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, tells reporters that he is interested in pursuing a presidential campaign in 1972.“I’m the only one who can beat Nixon” he boasted, “because I know how Washington works and I...
What's even neater is that I was developing ways towards the end of this period to replace the propane with free hydrogen, and the gasoline generator with expanded electricity output from my alternate energy systems - which means my monthly utility costs were dropping to almostZERO. ...
Under the coaching of Austrian Ignace Tax, Saint-Étienne would win their first top flight title in 1943-1944, before financial difficulties from the free-spending ways threatened the club's future. That is where the Guichard family, namely Geoffroy's son Pierre, took back control of the clu...
Rice program has changed my life in many ways. When I wanted to give up and drop out of school, I found something good. I started making goals for my future, and I’m planning to go to college in Rhode Island to be a probation officer and a massage therapist....
Fast-forwarding a bit to the 17th century, we find several instances of the more modern “nick-” spelling, such as in the 1617Itineraryby Fynes Moryson, where it states, “James Fitz-thomas‥was by a nicke-name called the Suggon Earle…” ...
This reminds me of Neal Deal Coalition Retained There's several ways this statement can be interpreted without the proper context. Nov 22, 2023 9 #205 Enigma C LivingSteam said: This reminds me of Neal Deal Coalition Retained them's fighting words Nov 22, 2023 2 #206 Deleted mem...
It is obvious that the historical aspect turns out to be closely connected with the cultural one; as Luria wrote about this, "it is through the internalization of the historically and culturally conditioned ways of processing information that the social nature of man becomes, as well as his ...
1982: Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson Proclaims the publication of the Eddukvaeoi, proclaiming the rise of the "Old Ways" in Reykjavik,... 1982: Carnevalis Uprising ; German military forces crush an armed insurrection led by Armin Neusius, at Kleinbittersdorf, sparking international condemnation,... ...