Besides power negotiation, the specifications introduce Alternate Modes so USB Type-C hosts and devices can add functionality like carrying high-speed data signals over USB Type-C connectors and cables; one of these modes manages the DisplayPort video protocol. The Video Electronics Standards ...
Besides power negotiation, the specifications introduce Alternate Modes so USB Type-C hosts and devices can add functionality like carrying high-speed data signals over USB Type-C connectors and cables; one of these modes manages the DisplayPort video protocol. The Video Ele...
备用模式可用于各种用途,但最常见和功能最强大的是将USB Type-C电缆的超速差分对重新用于除默认USB3信号以外的其他高速信号传输,例如DisplayPort或Thunderbolt。这使得诸如笔记本电脑等设备上的单个Type-C连接器可以替代许多以前所需的连接器,并且已经有一些笔记本电脑和平板设备只有USB Type-C连接器。 TPS6598x系列USB ...
Side band use (SBU) is not for USB, but is open for Alternate Mode, such as DisplayPort over Type-C. There are three modes for Type-C, depending on whether it is on the host or the device side. Host- mode is used by a USB master. The port that supports host-mode is a ...
• Supports DP LT-tunable PHY Retimer (LTTPR) transparent and non- transparent modes • Supports DP2.1 Advanced Link Power Management (ALPM) • Integrated AUX switch for USB Type-C application • Adaptive CTLE and DFE equalizer • Integrated 85Ω differential termination resistors for inpu...
These modes will be defined outside the scope of USB-IF specifications using Structured Vendor Defined Messages. This allows the ability to reconfigure some of the pins a USB Type-C connector exposes and will allow the cable to be used for many different purposes rather than just for USB. ...
if cryptic announcement regarding USB Alternate Modes, which would allow for different (non-USB) signals to be carried overUSB Type-C connector. At the time the specification simply theorized just what protocols could be carried over Type-C as an alternate mode, but today we finally know what...
The device provides the option to choose the USB only implementation where SBU ports are in tri-state. 8.3.3 Output Enable and Power Savings The HD3SS460 has two power modes, active/normal operating mode and standby/shutdown mode. During standby mode, the device consumes very little current ...
Verifies that the system supports the UCSI Get Alternate Modes command, with 'Recipient' as 'SOP-DoublePrime'. Test details Expand table Specifications System.Fundamentals.SystemUSB.USBC.USBTypeCUCSI.USBTypeCUCSI Platforms Windows 10, client editions (x86) ...
Supports USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 20Gbps Low power U1, U2 and U3 Supports DisplayPort™ (DP) and Thunderbolt™ Alt modes Supports DP 2.1 up to UHBR20 20Gbps RBR, HBR, HBR2, HBR3, UHBR10, UHBR13.5 and UHBR20 Supports LTTPR transparent and non- transparent modes ...