High win rates in a fast-changing environment could be associated with a tendency to express win-stay/lose-shift behaviour more13,59,60. To assess this, we calculated the win-stay and lose-shift rates, which were normalised separately for each outcome type: win or lose61. In HTA we found...
The relative mRNA express- ion of decorin, biglycan and versican were further confirmed by real- time PCR utilizing commercial Taqman primers and probes from Applied Biosystems (data not shown), which yielded similar results as custom primers shown in Figure 1. Decorin is produced primarily by ...
Differentially expressed (DE) genes and intergenic regions in Tfc6p under-expressing mutants. A)Distribution and overlap of DE open reading frame sequences versus intergenic regions. Locations adjacent to tDNAs are based on known annotations, and those adjacent to potential Gcn4p sites andETCsites a...
The primers were designed using Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems) and purchased from Bioneer, Inc. Factors including melting temperature and guanine-cytosine (GC) content were considered. The HLA-DPA1 forward and reverse primers were designed to hybridize to sequences located in exon 3,...