1.The main chip adopts ALTERA's latest four generations of FPGA Cyclone IV series EP4CE6E22C8N 2.Onboard EPCS4N large-capacity serial configuration chip, support JTAG/AS mode (can be upgraded to EPCS16 by itself)3.Onboard 64Mbit SDRAM, support SOPC, NIOSII development (many low-priced ...
Altera CycloneIII Development Board笔记 TFP410: DVI transmitter 箭头所指的是EEPROM的接口 地址为08的寄存器 寄存器复位值是0xfe,其中I2C是否启用取决于管脚ISEL的选择,当ISEL为高电平时I2C启用,当为低电平时,I2C禁止。 当I2C为禁止的情况下寄存器不能被设置,只能通过外部的PD管脚来控制,当PD为低电平时芯片不工作...
Device, U S BBlaster, U S BPage, CoverCard, S D
5CGXC7NES The Cyclone V GX FPGA Development Kit features a 5CGX–C7-C7NES speed grade production silicon device.Development Kit Contents The Cyclone V GX FPGA Development Kit features the following:Cyclone V GX FPGA development board (see Figure 1)• Featured devices ◦ Cyclone V GX FPGA...
Collection Development|Clearpg|Integrated Cyclone V SoC 5CSXFC6D6F31C6N FPGA:Equipped with a powerful Cyclone V SoC, this board offers 110K programmable logic elements and 5,761 Kbits embedded memory. Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 HPS with 1GB DDR3 SDRAM:The HPS features a dual-core ARM Cortex...
99.6mm x 99.6mm Packing List: One 10CL080YU484 Development Board, One US Type 5V DC or One EU Type 5V DC, Schematic, User Manual, Test Program **Advanced Design and Features** The QMTECH Altera Intel FPGA Core Board Cyclone 10 is a robust and versatile development board designed for en...
Power: 3.3 V single supply – 1.2 V/2.5 V on-board regulators 1. [ACM-023] Altera Cyclone IV E F484 FPGA board EP4CE115F23C8N 100 Maximum operator/user I/O (Board) 528 Maximum operator/user I/O (Device) 20 Global Clock Networks ...
ALINX AX4010: ALTERA CYCLONE IV EP4CE10 FPGA Development Board ระดับ Study Board 5.0 1 รีวิวกำ: FPGA Board FPGA Board AN9767 Package AN706 Package AN9238 Package AN831 Package Video Package Luxury Package Board USB Downloader AN108 Packageร...
EZ1CUSB - Altera Cyclone FPGA Development board with USB interface The EZ1CUSB development kit provides a complete, low cost solution for developing designs and applications based on the Altera Cyclone FPGA family and FTDI FT2232C USB controller. The EZ1CUSB Development kit is the perfect solu...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ep2c5t144学习板最小系统开发板altera fpga cycloneii ep2c5t144e p2c8t144rm.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Board Reference Manual 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000...