A second transaction waits > > for anybody who holds any lock on the partitioned table and grabs Access > > Exclusive on the partition (which now no one cares about, if they're > > looking at the partitioned table), where the DDL action on the partition > > can be completed. > >...
组合Select Into和Alter table ALTER TABLE没有锁定表? Alter table from jpa注解 Postgres ALTER TABLE的问题 Insert into破坏alter table语句 SQL ALTER TABLE MATHS查询 基于if条件的alter table alter table big_table modify partition问题 SQL语法‘ALTER TABLE TABLE TABLE’有什么问题?
ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT distfk FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (address) NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE distributors VALIDATE CONSTRAINT distfk; ###To add a (multicolumn) unique constraint to a table: ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT dist_id_zipcode_key UNIQUE (dist_id, ...
Let's create a partitioned table with three partitions: CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY RANGE(a); CREATE TABLE t1p1 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE t1p2 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES FROM (200) TO (300); CREATE TABLE t1p3 PARTITION OF t1 F...
ALTER TABLE <table_name> SPLIT PARTITION <partition_name> AT (<range_part_value>) INTO ( PARTITION <new_part1> [TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>] [SUBPARTITIONS <num>] [STORE IN ( <tablespace_name> [, <tablespace_name>]... ) ],...
the normal running of the database. By default, the names of the built-in system schemas cannot be changed. To ensure forward compatibility, you can change the names of the built-in system schemas only when the system is being started or upgraded or whenallow_system_table_modsis set toon...
Jira Link: DB-1178 This is a master issue that keeps track of ALTER TABLE variants. The checkmark means that the statement is already supported. Add / remove / rename columns, constraints Status Feature Comments ✅ ALTER TABLE name ADD [C...
(0)| 00:00:01 | | 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEST | 1 | 96 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IND_T_OBJECT_ID | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | --- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---...
test_db1=> RESET ROLE; test_db1=# DROP TABLE public.test_tbl1; -- Switch to the default database. Change the database name based on the actual situation. test_db1=# \c postgres gaussdb=# DROP DATABASE test_db1; gaussdb=# DROP TABLESPACE tbs_data1; gaussdb=# DROP USER jack; ...