control_files = "/opt/oracle/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/pm4h/control02.ctl" db_block_size = 8192 compatible = "" db_files = 3000 db_recovery_file_dest = "/opt/oracle/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area" db_recovery_file_dest_size= 4G undo_tablespace = "UNDOTBS1" recyclebin...
Alter SYSTEM DUMP UNDO_HEADER 'segment_name'; 4).Undo for a Transaction Alter SYSTEM DUMP UNDO BLOCK 'segment_name' XID xidusn xidslot xidsqn; 5).File Header Alter SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name file_hdrs level n'; 1 控制文件中的文件头信息 2 level 1 + 文件头信息 3 level ...
Represents a single ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET DIAGNOSTICS LOG MAX_SIZE option. C# 复制 [System.Serializable] public class AlterServerConfigurationDiagnosticsLogMaxSizeOption : Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.AlterServerConfigurationDiagnosticsLogOption Inheritance Object TSqlFr...
db_create_file_dest=/data01 log_archive_dest_1='location=/data01' #No auxiliary parameter file used starting up automatic instance PCC Oracle instance started Total System Global Area 767557632 bytes Fixed Size 8625416 bytes Variable Size 213910264 bytes Database Buffers 541065216 bytes Redo Buffers...
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> shutdown immediate;Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> startup;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 5.1310E+10 bytes Fixed Size 2240344 bytes Variable Size 3.1407E+10 bytes Database Buffers 1.9864E+10 bytes Redo Buffers ...
The value of this parameter must be a fully specified file location following the conventions of your operating system. If you omit this parameter, Oracle archives the redo log file group to the location specified by the initialization parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n. STOP ...
In this case, both the RLIMIT_AS hard limit and soft limit are set to the address-space-size value. The value specified for ASSIZEMAX overrides any value provided by the MAXASSIZE parameter of BPXPRMxx. For more information, see z/OS UNIX System Services Planning. NOASSIZEMAX Specifies ...
SYSTEM表領域の最初のデータファイルに基づいて新しいファイルを作成することはできません。 このCREATE DATAFILE句には、datafile_tempfile_specのautoextend_clauseは指定できません。 関連項目: 新しいデータファイル名を指定しない場合にこの句によって戻される結果の詳細は、「CREATE DATABASE」の...
The ASSIZEMAX value limits the amount of storage for an address space below 2 GB, including both above and below the 16 MB line. For the region above 2 GB, address space usage is managed through other z/OS system controls, such as the MEMLIMIT parameter, and the IEFUSI and IEALIMIT ...
db_block_size = 8192 compatible = "" db_recovery_file_dest = "/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area" db_recovery_file_dest_size= 3852M undo_tablespace = "UNDOTBS1" recyclebin = "ON" remote_login_passwordfile= "EXCLUSIVE" ...