select sid,serial#,username,program,machine,status from v$session; alter system kill session '12,1736';--12是sid 1736是serial# 3. 设置process SQL> alter system set processes=1000 scope=spfile; SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE;(一定要等待一会,不要着急) SQL> STARTUP; 后记:通过查看oracle的监听日志,可...
log_archive_max_processes参数是一个动态参数,可以使用ALTER SYSTEM语句进行设置。下面是设置log_archive_max_processes参数的示例代码: ALTERSYSTEMSETlog_archive_max_processes=4; 1. 上述代码将log_archive_max_processes参数的值设置为4,表示最多可以同时运行4个归档进程。 log_archive_max_processes参数的默认值 ...
Oracle9i Database Concepts and Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide for information on the PMON background process and listeners alter_system_set_clause The alter_system_set_clause lets you set or reset the value of any initialization parameter. The parameters are described in "Initializatio...
SystemVersioningTableOption TableClusteredIndexType TableDataCompressionOption TableDefinition TableDistributionOption TableDistributionPolicy TableElementType TableHashDistributionPolicy TableHint TableHintKind TableHintsOptimizerHint TableIndexOption TableIndexType ...
alter system switch logfile; 1. If the database is in archive log mode, but the ARCH process hasn't been startedm, the command might hang, because it waits for the archiving of the 'next' online redo log. alter system register
[ , ...n ] ) ] ] } | DISABLE | REORGANIZE [ PARTITION = partition_number ] [ WITH ( <reorganize_option> ) ] | SET ( <set_index_option> [ , ...n ] ) | RESUME [ WITH (<resumable_index_option> [ , ...n ] ) ] | PAUSE | ABORT } [ ; ] ::= { { database_name...
For example, if a FILLFACTOR setting isn't specified in the REBUILD clause, the fill factor value stored in the system catalog is used during the rebuild process. To view the current index option settings, use sys.indexes.The values for ONLINE, MAXDOP, and SORT_IN_TEMPDB aren't stored in...
Alter SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level n, addr m'; 其中m为subheap的地址 n为1转储subheap的摘要,n为2转储subheap的内容 8).Process State Alter SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name processstate level n'; 9).System State ...