一阵google之后发现,如果默认端口不是1521,则需要设置LOCAL_LISTENER来手动指定监听别名: When configuring the listener to listen on TCP/IP, you should enter the default port of 1521. If you do not, you must configure the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter in the intialization parameter file and resolve the l...
一阵google之后发现,如果默认端口不是1521,则需要设置LOCAL_LISTENER来手动指定监听别名: When configuring the listener to listen on TCP/IP, you should enter the default port of 1521. If you do not, you must configure the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter in the intialization parameter file and resolve the l...
例程 "t02", 状态 READY, 包含此服务的 1 个处理程序... 命令执行成功 LSNRCTL> set curr L2 目前的监听程序为 L2 LSNRCTL> status 正在连接到 (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=PC1255-20110528)(PORT=1523))) LISTENER 的 STATUS --- 别名 L2 版本 TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version 10.2...
一阵google之后发现,如果默认端口不是1521,则需要设置LOCAL_LISTENER来手动指定监听别名: When configuring the listener to listen on TCP/IP, you should enter the default port of 1521. If you do not, you must configure the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter in the intialization parameter file and resolve the l...
(7)总结 当监听的端口是默认的1521时,PMON会动态注册该监听(listener); 当监听的端口不是默认的1521时,需要使用alter system set local_listener="T02";来手动注册监听。 Ref:http://warehouse.itpub.net/post/777/472788
val localAddress = InetAddress.getByName("") val unknownHost = "" val plaintextListenerDefaultQuota = 30 var executor: ExecutorService = _ @@ -236,16 +238,19 @@ class DynamicConnectionQuotaTest extends BaseRequestTest { @Test def testDynamicIpConnectionRateQuota(): Unit ...
Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup an Alias? Can I have a conditional JOIN? Can I have a primary ke...
BEGIN TRAN; -- Set SYSTEM_VERSIONING to OFF ALTER TABLE [dbo].[YourTable] SET (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF); -- Drop Primary Key ALTER TABLE [dbo].[YourTable] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_YourTable]; -- Alter table to update int to bigint on the PK column ALTER TABLE [dbo].[YourTable] ALTE...
当监听的端口是默认的1521时,PMON会动态注册该监听(listener); 当监听的端口不是默认的1521时,需要使用alter system set local_listener="T02";来手动注册监听。 Ref: http://warehouse.itpub.net/post/777/472788">http://warehouse.itpub.net/post/777/472788...
(7)总结 当监听的端口是默认的1521时,PMON会动态注册该监听(listener); 当监听的端口不是默认的1521时,需要使用alter system set local_listener="T02";来手动注册监听。 Ref:http://warehouse.itpub.net/post/777/472788