在Oracle中,对sequence进行修改的前提是你必须是该sequence的所有者,或者拥有ALTER ANY sequence的权限。对于sequence的参数调整,除了start值之外,你都可以进行操作。例如,如果你想增加序列值的增量为10,最大值设置为10000,并启用循环模式(即达到最大值后重新从头开始),可以使用以下命令:ALTER sequen...
I am looking to alter the column present in my oracle database table to use a new sequence that I have created now. I tried below sql query but it says invalid alter table option. alter table doki_data_item2 alter column seq_column set default nextval('new_sequence'); sql ...
通过ALTER SEQUENCE语法,用户可以改变序列对象的起始值、递增量、最小值、最大值、循环属性和缓存值等属性。 二、ALTER SEQUENCE语法详解 1.修改序列的起始值 用户可以使用ALTER SEQUENCE语句来修改序列对象的起始值。语法如下: ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_name INCREMENT BY new_start_value; 其中sequence_name是要修改的...
Oracle Database performs some validations. For example, a newMAXVALUEcannot be imposed that is less than the current sequence number. See Also: CREATE SEQUENCEfor information on creating a sequence andDROP SEQUENCEfor information on dropping and re-creating a sequence ...
Oracle Database performs some validations. For example, a newMAXVALUEcannot be imposed that is less than the current sequence number. Examples Modifying a Sequence: Examples This statement sets a new maximum value for thecustomers_seqsequence, which was created in"Creating a Sequence: Example": ...
-- Alter sequence alter sequence user_sequences maxvalue 9999999;
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production SYSTEM@xxxxxx> CREATE SEQUENCE Seq1 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9999; Sequence created. SYSTEM@xxxxxx> SELECT Seq1.nextval FROM dual; NEXTVAL
OceanBase(root@oceanbase)>ALTERSEQUENCEmy_sequenceMAXVALUE1024CYCLE; Considerations You cannot change the value of START WITH inALTER SEQUENCE. If you need to modify the start position for the next sequence, you can modifyINCREMENT BY to modify the start position. ...
execute immediate后面的alter语句是执行了,只是你的两个alter,又变成了初始值increment by 1
在Oracle中,序列venseq使用下面的语句创建:CREATE SEQUENCE venseq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 10 MAXVALUE 100 MINVALUE 10 CYCLE CACHE 5;下面对序列venseq修改的语句,错误的是( )。 A. ALTER SEQUENCE venseq START WITH 1; B. ALTER SE...