4>.RENAME TABLE能将表中的数据,索引,主键定义都自动转型到新表下,但视图和对原表分配的权限不能自动转型到新表,需要手动执行 六.TRUNCATE TABLE语句 1>.查看TRUNCATE TABLE语句的帮助信息 mysql>?TRUNCATETABLEName:'TRUNCATE TABLE'Description: Syntax:TRUNCATE[TABLE]tbl_nameTRUNCATETABLEempties atablecompletely....
RenameAlterRoleAction RenameEntityStatement ResampleStatisticsOption ResourcePoolAffinitySpecification ResourcePoolAffinityType ResourcePoolParameter ResourcePoolParameterType ResourcePoolStatement RestoreMasterKeyStatement RestoreOption RestoreOptionKind RestoreServiceMasterKeyStatement RestoreStatement RestoreStatementKind ResultColum...
syntaxsql コピー ALTER TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } { ALTER COLUMN column_name { [ type_schema_name. ] type_name [ ( { precision [ , scale ] } ) ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ NULL | NOT NULL ] } | ALTER INDEX inde...
mysql> update _maintenance_execplansetDec="20181214"where syscode ='caiwu'andid="1861"; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an errorinyour SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server versionforthe right syntax to use near'Dec="20181214" where syscode = 'lcs' and id="227...
the syntax description in filespec Oracle9i Database Reference for information on dynamic performance views ADD [STANDBY] LOGFILE MEMBER Clause Use the ADD LOGFILE MEMBER clause to add new members to existing redo log file groups. Each new member is specified by 'filename'. If the file alread...
In this article Syntax Arguments Remarks Permissions Show 2 more Renames a database user or changes its default schema. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions Syntax ALTER USER userName WITH <set_item> [ ,...n ] <set_item> ::= NAME = newUserName | DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schemaName | LOGIN = login...
rename_table_partitionUse the rename_table_partition clause to rename a table partition or subpartition current_name to new_name. For both partitions and subpartitions, new_name must be different from all existing partitions and subpartitions of the same table. ...
syntaxsql -- SQL Server SyntaxALTERDATABASE{database_name|CURRENT} {MODIFYNAME=new_database_name|COLLATEcollation_name|<file_and_filegroup_options>|SET[ ,...n ] [WITH<termination>] } [;]<file_and_filegroup_options>::=<add_or_modify_files>::=<filespec>::=<add_or_modify_filegroups...
In this article Select a product Overview: SQL Server Syntax Arguments Show 6 more Modifies certain configuration options of a database. This article provides the syntax, arguments, remarks, permissions, and examples for whichever SQL product you choose. ...
有关列表及详细信息,请参阅 Windows 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL)和SQL 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL)。 COLLATE 子句只能用来更改数据类型为 char、varchar、nchar 和nvarchar 的列的排序规则。 若要更改用户定义别名数据类型列的排序规则,必须执行单独的 ALTER TABLE 语句,将列改为 SQL Server 系统数据类型,并更改...