1)change mysql> alter table t1 change number id char(2);Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 2)modify mysql> alter table t1 modify id num int(2);ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...
Syntax for Warehouse in Fabric syntaxsql Copy -- Syntax for Warehouse om Microsoft Fabric: ALTER TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } { ADD { column_name <data_type> [COLLATE collation_name] [ <column_options> ] } [ ,...n ] | ADD...
SQL Server、Azure SQL 資料庫 和 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 的語法。syntaxsql 複製 ALTER INDEX { index_name | ALL } ON { REBUILD { [ PARTITION = ALL [ WITH ( <rebuild_index_option> [ , ...n ] ) ] ] | [ PARTITION = partition_number [ WITH ( <single_partition_rebuild_index_optio...
syntaxsql -- SQL Server SyntaxALTERDATABASE{database_name|CURRENT} {MODIFYNAME=new_database_name|COLLATEcollation_name|<file_and_filegroup_options>|SET[ ,...n ] [WITH<termination>] } [;]<file_and_filegroup_options>::=<add_or_modify_files>::=<filespec>::=<add_or_modify_filegroups...
syntaxsql 複製 ALTER DATABASE { database_name | CURRENT } SET { [ ,...n ] [ WITH <termination> ] } ::= { <accelerated_database_recovery> | <auto_option> | <automatic_tuning_option> | <change_tracking_option> | <containment_option> | <cursor_option> | <database_mirroring...
syntaxsql 複製 ALTER DATABASE { database_name | CURRENT } SET { [ ,...n ] [ WITH <termination> ] } ::= { <accelerated_database_recovery> | <auto_option> | <automatic_tuning_option> | <change_tracking_option> | <containment_option> | <cursor_option> | <database_mirroring...
SQL 数据库 Microsoft Fabric SQL 托管实例 Azure Synapse 分析 Analytics Platform System (PDW) SQL Server 语法 syntaxsql -- Syntax for SQL ServerALTERUSERuser_nameWITH<set_item>[ ,...n ] [;]<set_item>::=NAME=new_user_name|DEFAULT_SCHEMA= {schema_name|NULL} |LOGIN=login_name|PASSWORD='...
Syntax syntaxsql -- SQL Server SyntaxALTERDATABASE{database_name|CURRENT} {MODIFYNAME=new_database_name|COLLATEcollation_name|<file_and_filegroup_options>|SET[ ,...n ] [WITH<termination>] } [;]<file_and_filegroup_options>::=<add_or_modify_files>::=<filespec>::=<add_or_modify_filegro...
In this article Syntax Arguments Best practices for upgrading database compatibility level Remarks Show 15 more Applies to:SQL ServerAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed Instance Sets Transact-SQL and query processing behaviors to be compatible with the specified version of the SQL engine. For other ...
Syntax syntaxsql -- SQL Server SyntaxALTERDATABASE{database_name|CURRENT} {MODIFYNAME=new_database_name|COLLATEcollation_name|<file_and_filegroup_options>|SET[ ,...n ] [WITH<termination>] } [;]<file_and_filegroup_options>::=<add_or_modify_files>::=<filespec>::=<add_or_modify_filegro...