"Primary Key Materialized View: Example" USING ROLLBACK SEGMENT Clause This clause is not valid if your database is in automatic undo mode, because in that mode Oracle Database uses undo tablespaces instead of rollback segments. Oracle strongly recommends that you use automatic undo mode. This ...
If you want to keep the contents of the materialized view synchronized with those of the master table, then Oracle recommends that you manually perform a complete refresh of all materialized views dependent on the table after dropping or truncating a table partition. MODIFY PARTITION UNUSABLE LOCAL ...
近日,在处理DAO层oracle/mysql尽可能通用的问题,把DDL抽到了过程中,alter index disable的时候报了个错“ORA-02243: ALTER INDEX 或 ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW 选项无效”,经查,原因是disable,enable针对函数索引。普通索引为unusable和rebuild。如下: SQL> create table test as select * from all_objects; SQL> ...
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW更改现有物化视图的多个辅助属性。 简介 要使用ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW,你必须拥有该物化视图。要更改一个物化视图的模式,你还必须拥有新模式上的CREATE特权。要更改拥有者,你还必须是新拥有角色的一个直接或者间接成员,并且该角色必须拥有该物化视图所在模式上的CREATE特权(这些限制强制修改拥有者...
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG scott.emp STORAGE (NEXT 50K);Remove the materialized view log associated with scott's emp table from the database:DROP MATERIALIZED ... Get Oracle SQL: the Essential Reference now with the O’Reilly learning platform. O’Reilly members experience books, live events,...
CREATE,ALTER, orDROPMATERIALIZED VIEW LOG 因此在主库上的新建的,修改的,删除的物化视图不会反应到之前创建的逻辑备库上,然而,在逻辑备库创建之前的主库上的武汉视图在备库上也是存在的。 对存在主库和备库上的物化视图,on-commit事务视图在逻辑库上当事务提交的时候被刷新。on-demand物化视图不被sql apply自动...
Java Serialization Example and Tutorial for Beginn... 7 Difference between extends Thread vs implements ... Difference between View and Materialized View in D... How to find symbolic link or soft link in Linux? l... 10 Examples of forEach() method in Java 8 ...
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW RESET REVOKE Usage notes Examples ROLLBACK SELECT WITH clause SELECT list FROM clause PIVOT and UNPIVOT examples JOIN examples WHERE clause Oracle-Style outer joins in the WHERE clause GROUP BY clause Aggregation extensions HAVING clause QUALIFY clause UNION, INTERSECT, and EXC...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms Complete non atomic refresh of materialized view errors out with ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid ...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsIn a database that has an AFTER ALTER ON DATABASE trigger enabled, if this trigger becomes invalid and cannot be recompiled, and the database has materialized views...