Name ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION Synopsis ALTER INDEX [schema.]index_name REBUILD PARTITION partition_name [INITRANS integer] [MAXTRANS integer] [PCTFREE integer] [LOGGING | NOLOGGING] [PARALLEL ( {DEGREE … - Selection from Oracle Database Administra
INDEX必须是GLOBAL INDEX。不能显式的drop local index partition,不能删除最大的index。 删除之后,insert属于该partition的值时候,index建立在更高的partition。 如果包含数据的partition删除之后,下一个partition是IU状态,必须rebuild。可以删除IU状态的partition,即使它包含数据。 3、ALTER TABLE / INDEX RENAME PARTITI...
To modify a domain index, you must haveEXECUTEobject privilege on the indextype of the index. Object privileges are granted on the parent index, not on individual index partitions or subpartitions. You must have tablespace quota to modify, rebuild, or split an index partition or to modify or...
On the other hand, while rebuilding the index without online option, Oracle will grab the index in X-mode and rebuild a new index segment by selecting the data from the old index. So here we are not allowing any DML on the table hence there is no journal table involved and it is doin...
index 変更する索引の名前を指定します。 索引変更の制限事項: 索引の変更には、次の制限事項があります。 indexがドメイン索引である場合は、PARAMETERS句、RENAME句、rebuild_clause(PARAMETERS句の有無に関係なく)、parallel_clauseまたはUNUSABLE句のみ指定できます。その他のすべての句は無効です。 LOAD...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsThe Statement of ALTER INDEX <index_name> REBUILD ONLINE of a large partition table fails with ORA-00060 error, as shown in the alert log:...
在执行期间只持有模式2的TM锁,不会阻塞DML操作。 在Oracle 11g之后,oracle做了特殊处理,后续的dml不会被rebuild online的4级别锁阻塞.所以如果在执行rebuild index online前长事务,并且并发量比较大,则一旦执行alter index rebuild online,可能因为长事务阻塞,可能导致系统瞬间出现大量的锁,对于压力比较大的系统,这是...
alter index <daily table's index name> rebuild online;原因:Expected behavior This hang is new ...
如果指定了一个并行hint或并行从句,DML 语句在并行模式下被执行。不知道翻译得准不准。官方文档:DML statements are executed in parallel mode if a parallel hint or a parallel clause is specified.
| [ REBUILD ] UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES | { ADD | DROP } VALUES ( list_values ) | read_only_clause | indexing_clause } move_table_partition: MOVE partition_extended_name [ MAPPING TABLE ] [ table_partition_description ] [ filter_condition] [ update_index_clauses ] [ parallel_clause ] [...