spotless and tRue. No problem there, and I’ll get to that. But those Ads, they just kept refreshing themselves and distracting me. Like you’re reading sugary drinks are bad for you while being coaxed to click an Ad for Coke. I mean it does make you wonder, right, how do they do... has recently also been attacked by the wonderous Facebook profile spam comments (I kept two specimenshereandhere, but deleted many dozens more in the past weeks). At first, I was amused at this new type of spam comments, but after running a few searches I felt more of d...
Quite a lot it turns out. The messiness of the real world has a way of defeating the idealized notions of how its inhabitantsoughtto behave. In all that time that I was reading, my pay-stubs showed a deduction that went to the government to pay for the Social Safety Net. What a posi...
In Alex Segura’s new novel, “Alter Ego,” a filmmaker hopes to resurrect her favorite comic book heroine, the Lynx, but everywhere she turns there’s another obstacle — including some that might be deadly. “Alter Ego” is a sequel to Segura’s “Secret Identity,” which chronicled the...
The Online Home of D.S. Williams, her alter-ego Leah Dempster and her editing counterpart, The Pedantic Punctuator
Check Out My Dungeons & Dragons Alter-Ego Growing up, I heard from many adults about the dangers ofDungeons & Dragons. I heard it wasn't something "nice kids" should ever do. Although my parents were pretty laid-back, they had heard these rumors, too. ...
If you want to learn how to be a super hero, you need an alter ego, but alter egos are everywhere, not just among those with super powers.
Considering what a big egoAxl Rosehas, it's somewhat amazing that formerGuns N' Rosesguitarist Slash managed to get any sort of recognition during the classic band's heyday. But that's a testament to the man bornSaul Hudson's charisma and skill as a songwriter and performer. Slash has ...
”– think again. Their private nature is just fine for Google. It’s a way to ask you tovalidate your inferred interests: “So tell us, is that interest of yours in US politics that we have inferred from your news reading a real inherent interest, or was it just a transient interest...
It's been a pretty dramatic few days for the unsinkable ship known as Jelena. Between Selena Gomez debuting her kidney transplant complication scar on a trip to Australia and Justin Bieber hanging with a girl named Baskin Champion behind her back, everything is just a...