Beware Distinctions Between Veil Piercing And Alter EgoEvan C. Hollander
Alter ego ruling What is an Alter ego ruling? This is very similar to the notion of piercing the corporate veil (aside from certain technical distinctions that are being ignored for the purpose of this discussion). Owners of corporations (i.e., its shareholders) are generally not personally ...
In business law, the alter ego doctrine is often used as justification for piercing the corporate veil and assigning personal liability upon a business owner. This happens when a judge finds that there is not sufficient separation between the owner and the business entity. In these cases, the ...
but it can be difficult to prove complete control by an individual. In the case of corporations, proving one is an alter ego is one way of "piercing the corporate veil." In a lawsuit complaint, it might be stated (pleaded) that "the Hotshot Corporation was the alter ego of Joseph Snake...
“SPV”) structures do not meet the rigors of corporate separateness required in the United States, which makes them more susceptible to the veil-piercing argument at the outset of the case. U.S. federal courts apply the corporate-formality requirements of their respective circuits, and not ...
Is There a Causal Relationship between Iron Deficiency or Iron-Deficiency Anemia and Weight at Birth, Length of Gestation and Perinatal Mortality? An extensive literature review was conducted to identify whether iron deficiency, iron-deficiency anemia and anemia from any cause are causally related to ...
Normally, a court will treat a business entity and its liabilities as separate and distinct from its owners. The alter ego doctrine allows the corporate veil to be pierced, and results in holding the owners liable for the entity’s obligations. In California, to successfully invoke the alter ...
This chapter describes alter ego, or piercing the corporate veil as the doctrine and situations in which the U.S. courts set aside shareholders" immunity from corporate liabilities and allow plaintiffs to obtain a judgment and recovery against the owners of a corporation or those who control a ...
well settled that property held by a taxpayer’s nominee or alter ego may be subjected to a federal tax lien or levy. See G.M. Leasing Corp. v. United States, 429 U.S. 338, 350-351 (1977); Scoville v. United States, 250 F.3d at 1201; Richards v. United States (In re Richard...
Why Lawyers Need to Pay More Attention to the Distinctions Between Veil-Piercing and Alter-Ego TheoriesDana Yankowitz Elliott