ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USING FILE 'tracking_file' REUSE; 次の文は、ブロック・チェンジ・トラッキングを使用禁止にし、既存のブロック・チェンジ・トラッキング・ファイルを削除します。 ALTER DATABASE DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING; データファイルのサイズの変...
ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USING FILE 'tracking_file' REUSE; 次の文は、ブロック・チェンジ・トラッキングを使用禁止にし、既存のブロック・チェンジ・トラッキング・ファイルを削除します。ALTER DATABASE DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING; ...
SQL> ALTER DATABASE ADD ARCHIVELOG 'DEST=/opt/dmdbms/data/MPP1_01/arch, TYPE=LOCAL, FILE_SIZE=2048, SPACE_LIMIT=51200'; SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; --备份数据 SQL> BACKUP DATABASE BACKUPSET '/opt/dmdbms/data/MPP1_01/bak/BACKUP_FILE'; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. –修改dm.ini SQL...
Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /u01/app/oracle/archivelog/book Oldest online log sequence 589 Next log sequence to archive 591 Current log sequence 591 --//当前seq=591. SYS@book> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=enable scope=memory; System...
PDB2. 。The local net service name CDB1 connects to the root database, and the service names PDB1And PDB2 connect to the pluggable database(PDBs), PDB1 and PDB2 ,respectively .。Examine the commands to change the value of the PDB modifiable initialization parameter:。
YourdatabaseisrunningintheARCHIVELOGmode.YouhaveconfiguredRMANforbackupandrecoveryoperatio ns.YouexecutethefollowingcommandfromtheRMANprompt:RMAN>CONFIGURECONTROLFILEAUTOBACKUPON;Afterexecutingthiscommand,inwhichofthefollowingcaseswillRMANmakeanauto-backupofthecontrolfile?() A.whenyouchangethenameofadatafile B.when...
ALTER DATABASE ENABLE PUBLIC THREAD 5; Creating a New Datafile: Example The following statement creates a new datafile 'tabspace_file04.dbf' based on the file 'tabspace_file03.dbf'. Before creating the new datafile, you must take the existing datafile (or the tablespace in which it reside...
You must mount the database before you can open it. You must activate a standby database before you can open it. If you specify only OPEN, without any other keywords, the default is OPEN READ WRITE NORESETLOGS. READ WRITE Specify READ WRITE to open the database in read/write mode, ...
Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /u01/app/oracle/archivelog/book Oldest online log sequence 589 Next log sequence to archive 591 Current log sequence 591 --//当前seq=591. SYS@book> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=enable scope=memory; ...
If the database is run in ARCHIVELOG mode, media recovery from a backup made before the LOGGING operation will restore the table. However, media recovery from a backup made before the NOLOGGING operation will not restore the table. The logging attribute of the base table is independent of ...