開發者ID:tenggyut,項目名稱:HIndex,代碼行數:26,代碼來源:HBaseAdmin.java 示例7: getAlterStatus ▲點讚 2▼ importorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.GetSchemaAlterStatusResponse;//導入依賴的package包/類/** * Get the status of alter command - indicates ...
[root@ser6-51 ~]# mysql -u dandan -pdandan -h Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3677 Server version: 5.5.35-ndb-7.2.15-cluster-gpl MySQL Cluste...
AlterTableAddColumnsCommand(tableName, dataCols) } visitAddColumns方法是ANTLR插件自动为我们生成的方法,定义在SparkSqlAstBuilder的父类AstBuilder中(AST,Abstract Syntax Tree ,抽象语法树),这个方法用来处理我们在SqlBase.g4中定义的| ALTER TABLE tableIdentifier ADD COLUMNS ('(' columns=colTypeList ')')? #...
hbase> describe 'table name' Given below is the output of the describe command on the emp table.hbase(main):006:0> describe 'emp' DESCRIPTION ENABLED 'emp', {NAME ⇒ 'READONLY', DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING ⇒ 'NONE', BLOOMFILTER ⇒ 'ROW', REPLICATION_SCOPE ⇒ '0', COMPRESSION ⇒ ...