1. 11g默认开始密码区分大小写,可以通过把参数设置为SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON =FALSE屏蔽 2. 11g密码默认有效期180天,可以通过修改ALTER PROFILE DEFAULT[根据实际的profile] LIMIT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME UNLIMITED;注意需要修改密码生效 3. 密码错误验证延迟,可以通过设置EVENT="28401 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL...
The above works well till 10G. Oracle has introduced some changes in 11g and above. Let’s see those changes (1) 11g introduces new security and the ability to support case-sensitive passwords. It introduces the SHA-1 hash algorithm (2) DBA_USERS no longer exposes the PASSWORD value, inst...
10G是指早期不区分大小写的Oracle密码版本,11G是指基于SHA-1的密码版本,12C是指基于SHA-2的SHA-512密码版本。 例: SYS@orcl>show parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon #该参数默认为true NAME TYPE VALUE--- --- ---sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean TRUE SYS@orcl>create user huyi identified by huyi; ...
10G是指早期不区分大小写的Oracle密码版本,11G是指基于SHA-1的密码版本,12C是指基于SHA-2的SHA-512密码版本。 例: SYS@orcl>show parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon #该参数默认为true NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean TRUE...
If the database is in non-restricted mode, then a new signature key is not regenerated but instead, Oracle Database uses a new encryption key to encrypt the existing LOB signature key. alter_database_dictionary_delete_credentials_key::= This DDL marks encrypted passwords unusuable. That ...
The password is exactly 8 alphanumeric characters, and they are case sensitive. The smtpUseSSL attribute enables Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on the email notifications when the attribute is set to true. The notificationPolicy attribute value can be none or a combination of critical, ...
Name of the auto start profile. This name is case sensitive so you must use the exact name that you entered withADD EXTRACT. AUTOSTART Sets the auto start value to YES or NO for the Extract. RETRIES The maximum number of tries for restarting the task before aborting retry efforts. This ...
CHANGEis a MySQL extension to standard SQL.MODIFYis a MySQL extension for Oracle compatibility. To alter a column to change both its name and definition, useCHANGE, specifying the old and new names and the new definition. For example, to rename anINT NOT NULLcolumn fromatoband change its de...
extension .xml, then Oracle creates an XML file containing metadata about the PDB. You can then copy the XML file and the PDB's data files to a new location and specify the XML file name when plugging the PDB into a CDB. In this case, you must copy the PDB's data files separately...
extension .xml, then Oracle creates an XML file containing metadata about the PDB. You can then copy the XML file and the PDB's data files to a new location and specify the XML file name when plugging the PDB into a CDB. In this case, you must copy the PDB's data files separately...