Apex Legends' newest character, Alter, is someone who can break through different dimensions. Find out how she adds to the game's lore.
And just like that, a new season ofApex Legendsis almost here.Upheavalpromises to be a spicy one withnew legend Alter, huge changes coming to Broken Moon, buffs and nerfs to legends and weapons, and more. Recommended Videos The new legend and map changes undoubtedly steal the show, but th...
Product : Apex Legends Platform : PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number RTX 4060 Enter RAM memory size in GB 64 What
“As we do with all our Legends, building Alter's identity started with her gameplay prototype,” says Jaclyn. Designers at Apex Legends bring the writers a kit with an idea of how they want the character to feel in gameplay, and they build the personality out of that together. From th...
“Together, these characters not only diversify gameplay strategies with their unique abilities but also enrich the narrative landscape of Apex Legends.” > Creating Alter “As we do with all our Legends, building Alter's identity started with her gameplay prototype,” says Jaclyn. ...