今年10月,该公司在德国德累斯顿成功推出了60kW氯化钠固态电池原型。Altech Batteries公司与德国电池研究机构Fraunhofer IKTS签订了合资协议。Altech Batteries公司计划将CERENERGY电池实现商业化运营,并通过其拥有75%股权的子公司Altech Industries Germany(AIG)公司在德国萨克森州建设一座年产120MWh电池生产设施。Altech Batter...
Altech Batteries公司与德国电池研究机构Fraunhofer IKTS签订了合资协议。 Altech Batteries公司计划将CERENERGY电池实现商业化运营,并通过其拥有75%股权的子公司Altech Industries Germany(AIG)公司在德国萨克森州建设一座年产120MWh电池生产设施。 Altech Batteries公司首席执行官Iggy Tan表示,Axsol公司对钠氯化物固态电池技术...
该公司认为,这种创新可以将电池能量提高多达30%,同时提高了循环性能或电池寿命,能帮助消费者减少对电动汽车续航里程的焦虑。 为支持这一项目的发展,Altech Chemicals以500万欧元(830万澳元)向Altech Advanced Materials AG出售了其德国子公司AltechIndustriesGermany GmbH 25%的股份。不过,Altech仍持有这家德国子公司75%的...
Altech has licensed its proprietary high purity alumina coating technology to 75% owned subsidiary Altech Industries Germany GmbH (AIG), which has finalised a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the development of a 8,000tpa silicon alumina coating plant in the state of Saxony, Germany to supp...
With the development of science, Polytec has launched a series of specialized vibration measurements used in the aerospace, automotive, MEMS, acoustic, data access, industrial, research and other high-tech industries, laser vibrometer, to adapt to the needs of different areas. To learn more about...
Altech has licensed its proprietary high purity alumina coating technology to 75% owned subsidiary Altech Industries Germany GmbH (AIG), which has finalised a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the development of a 8,000tpa silicon alumina coating plant in the state of Saxony, Germany to supp...