Structure on which offerings are made to a deity. The Hebrew word for altar ismizbeah[;eBzim], from a verbal root meaning "to slaughter." Greek renders this word asthusiasterion[qusiasthvrion], "a place of sacrifice." In the developed temple ritual, the same word is used for both th...
I did that to emphasize two things. The first is that names in ancient biblical times were a vital part of a person’s identity, reflecting their destiny, character, deity, family lineage, or some other trait. The second is the fact that biblical characters were more Afrocentric than not....
I did that to emphasize two things. The first is that names in ancient biblical times were a vital part of a person’s identity, reflecting their destiny, character, deity, family lineage, or some other trait. The second is the fact that biblical characters were more Afrocentric than not....
ALTAR, inClassical Antiquity, was a solid base or pedestal on which supplication was made and sacrifice offered to the gods and deified heroes. According to this difference in the service for which they were employed, altars fell into two classes, of which the one, similar and lower so that...
and this conclusion is strengthened when, as is often the case, we observe a small circular hole through which probably the rope was run by which the victims, when slaughtered, were bound to the altar, as they were to the angular projections or "horns" of the Jewish altar (Ps 123:4)....
1.Part of the reason whyBishop Noel Jones took reportedly 28 years to marry his wife Loretta in 2022is because his first wife (now ex-wife following their divorce) is still alive…I can respect that because it does say in the word, “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he li...