To find this folder, open the Run prompt (Windows key + R) and type shell:start. Hit Enter or click OK. You should now see your Startup folder. Just place your swap-alt-ctrl.ahk file here. Now whenever you log in, your left (and only left) Ctrl and Alt keys will be switched...
因此,该键盘消息 (WM_KEYDOWN/UP) 是直接发给系统内核, 在应用程序中的消息循环中截获不到。方案之一就是用底层的键盘钩子,截获整个系统的键盘输入。但这样做会导致一些效率以及稳定性问题。另外一个比较方便安全的方案就是用 Windows Accessbility API 的 SetWinEventHook 函数, 监听 EVENT_SYSTEM_SW...
I know there are a ton of Mac to Windows converts who need the keys switched, too. How did you accomplish this on your Thinkbook? Hello kelleychambers, Welcome to Lenovo Community I understand that you are looking to remap the CTRL and ALT key (left side) of your ThinkBook 13s G2 ...
🟦 Raw Accel- detailed mouse settings, different axis sensitivity, etc. Profiles can also be switched via hotkeys/shortcutsc:\RawAccel\writer.exe c:\RawAccel\settings.json- changing the cursor when switching can be disabled by unifying them in Control panels (normal selection/background work...
If you’ve recently switched from Windows, you’ll have the habit of using the Alt key as part of a combination to restart, switch between apps, or move to the top or bottom of a window. On Mac, the Command key fulfills many of these functions, while the Alt key is used slightly ...
Participant , /t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/minor-but-annoying-problem-using-alt-tab-in-windows/m-p/14725006#M371709 Jul 08, 2024 Jul 08, 2024 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To hirciklemen I switched to Lightroom CC due to this issue and ge...
Describe the bug The expected behavior of "alt + tab" should be: when I hold "alt" and press "tab" once, there is a box around the second icon (which is the window that will be switched to), and when I press "tab" again, the box moves to...
A couple weeks ago I noticed that Alt+[key] navigation shortcuts started replacing cell contents with odd symbols or cell address instead.For example,...
Windows patching and what was starting to look like some sort of AD authentication error. To test the emerging theory I switched the linked server to use SQL authentication and it worked as expected. The culprit Digging in to the patching it turned out that a bunch of domain controllers had...
Is it possible to replace the Alt Gr ( key ) by Alt ( key ) in Photoshop CC ? Phaugese New Here , Sep 25, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Hi, I'm using photoshop for so long on Mac and recently I switched to PC... So, I'm using...