在此框中输入对形状、图片、图表、表格、SmartArt 图形或其他对象的解释。应始终填充此框。 标题 在此框中输入简短说明。仅当要在“说明”框中输入详细或冗长的解释时,才应填充此框。 例如,假设您有一个表格,其中按月显示 2010 年鸭子的数量。您的“标题”可以是“描述 2010 年鸭子数量情况的表格”。在“说明...
1 向Word中的对象添加替代文本尽管屏幕阅读器是令人难以置信的技术,但是它们在没有alt文本帮助的情况下还不够复杂,无法理解对象是什么。若要在Word中添加替代文本,请打开您的文档,然后选择要将替代文本添加到的对象。2 用鼠标右键单击对象。从出现的菜单中,选择“编辑替代文本”。3 或者,您可以选择在对象的“...
Word for Microsoft 365Word 2024Word 2021Word 2019Word 2016Microsoft 365 for homeOffice for businessOffice 365 Small BusinessMicrosoft 365 admin Try it!Transcript Learn how to add alt text to images and objects. Alt text can be read by screen readers, and helps people who are bli...
using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml.Linq; using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime; using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core; using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; //using MyLog4Net; namespace WordD...
按alt+F11。然后在project右键插入模块,然后粘贴 Sub Macro()Mywidth = 4.13 Myheigth = 5.69 For Each iShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes iShape.Height = 28.345 * Myheigth iShape.Width = 28.345 * Mywidth Next iShape End Sub 再按F5,就行了。【Mywidth = 4.13 Myheigth = ...
I am using the latest version of Word, adding in the alt text for the images, then using the Acrobat Make Accessible option in the Microsoft Word ribbon. When the document gets converted to an Adobe PDF then goes through the Make Accessible options, when it gets to the detecting...
https://accessible-pdf.info/en/basics/word/add-an-alt-text-in-word/#:~:text=By%20taking%20the%20above%20measures,with%20the%20tag. Note that Screen Readers, which people with visual disabilities use, can read aloud the alt text, enabling them to understand the image's content and cont...
Solved: Could somebody point to a solution on why when I export my document back to Microsoft word I lose my alt text. When I created a document in Microsoft - 9497726
On the Office support page where I found this question: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/01fa2856-2ee4-4047-840b-5e47011f0431/how-to-get-alt-text-of-a-table-in-word-document?forum=vsto And this reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office...