方法/步骤 1 向Word中的对象添加替代文本尽管屏幕阅读器是令人难以置信的技术,但是它们在没有alt文本帮助的情况下还不够复杂,无法理解对象是什么。若要在Word中添加替代文本,请打开您的文档,然后选择要将替代文本添加到的对象。2 用鼠标右键单击对象。从出现的菜单中,选择“编辑替代文本”。3 或者,您可以选择...
在此框中输入简短说明。仅当要在“说明”框中输入详细或冗长的解释时,才应填充此框。 例如,假设您有一个表格,其中按月显示 2010 年鸭子的数量。您的“标题”可以是“描述 2010 年鸭子数量情况的表格”。在“说明”框中,您可以输入“描述 2010 年鸭子数量的每月数据。在三月份,野鸭数量增长了 30%,打破了一月...
In the box within the Alt Text pane, type some sentences to describe the picture. Then click the Generate Alt Text for me button so that Word can describe the picture for you. What does alt text mean in Word? Alt Text means Alternative Text in Microsoft Word; it helps persons with visu...
https://accessible-pdf.info/en/basics/word/add-an-alt-text-in-word/#:~:text=By%20taking%20the%20above%20measures,with%20the%20tag. Note that Screen Readers, which people with visual disabilities use, can read aloud the alt text, enabling them to understand the image's content and cont...
Since assistive technology doesn’t read words within images, if there’s text within your image, include that text in the alt text description. Want more? Accessibility in Microsoft 365 Everything you need to know to write effective alt text...
We have been told we should be able to add the alt-text in Word, it's even recommended to do it, but if it is not converting correctly or reading it correctly, what is the use? I also noticed that even if I change the Alt Text Adobe, the screenreader doesn'...
在microsoft word 中,alt+n 后接 "u "可打开 "页面设置 "对话框,让您调整页边距、方向和纸张大小等各种页面设置。在google sheets 中按 alt+n 后接 "s "会发生什么情况? 在google sheets 中按 alt+n 后跟 "s "键可打开 sheets 菜单,在此可访问与工作表管理有关的选项,包括插入、删除和重命名工作表...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls.TextBox.AltHTML in the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls namespace.
while others let users add alt text as they see fit. If you're posting on Twitter, for example, you have the option to write short image descriptions in the settings of your own tweets — that means you don't have to add the descriptions to the tweet itself. Other apps don't have ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll C# 复制 public string AltHTML { get; set; } Property Value String Applies to 产品版本 Visual Studio Tools for Office 2017, 2019, 2022 ...