Ctrl+R 导出wave文件Ctrl+Shift+R 导出mp3文件Ctrl+Shift+M 导出MIDI文件Alt+0、1…9 打开最近文件0、1…9Ctrl+Shift+H (重新)排列窗口快捷键 模块选择器(数字键)1、2…9 选择模块1、2…9+ 下一个模块— 上一个模块F4 下一个空白模块快捷键 通道机架&步进音序器1…9、0 静音/取消静音 前10通道Ctrl...
【FL STUDIO】乐理小白玩作曲软件一天后…… 宅男゛ 1.7万 播放 · 23 弹幕 QQ长截图1.打开QQ。2.ctrl+alt+a。3.鼠标左键选择截图区域。4.右下角点击长截图。5.滚动鼠标滑轮。5.保存。 yyjiu就 113 播放 · 0 弹幕 FL STUDIO 量化音符,音频和自动化(机翻中文字幕) 梁三原 934 播放 · 0 弹幕 ...
It's simply a matter of FL differentiating left and right in all cases, when for some shortcuts it would better not. If you read through the whole thread that makes sense "Are you using" is not the same as "Do you use". Well, that's precisely my point. FL is differentiating LAlt ...
Cosmo poofs up a jack in the box to try to resist his stupidity impulse, but it is not working well. As Crocker finishes his speech, he says that he wants a pony. 70s Cosmo flies onto his head & says into the microphone "Pony? Who wants a pony when you can have everything you ...
working: 144business: 143act: 142common: 142lost: 142cold: 141cases: 141english: 141afghanistan: 141shower: 141important: 140reading: 140fine: 140playing: 140bring: 139foreign: 138computer: 138myself: 138issue: 138indeed: 138child: 138...
Luis-Ruiz 2 and Felipe Piña-García 2 1 Environmental Hydraulics Institute, University of Cantabria, 39011 Santander, Spain; pedro.diaz@unican.es 2 Cartographic Engineering and Mining Exploitation R+D+i Group, University of Cantabria, 39316 Torrelavega, Spain; ruben.perez@unican.es (R.P.-Á...
Please supply as much information about the problem you are experiencing as possible. Your issue has a much greater chance of being resolved if logs are supplied so that we can see what is going on. Creating an issue with '### isn't working' doesn't help anyone to fix the problem. ...