编者按:目前已有较多研究证实在ALT正常(ALT的正常值上限为40 U/L)的慢乙肝患者中,高正常ALT(高nALT)患者的疾病进展风险更高,但较少有研究报道ALT 正常的慢乙肝患者接受抗病毒治疗的病毒学应答情况。 近期,温州医科大学第一附属医院的...
目前已有较多研究证实在ALT正常(ALT的正常值上限为40 U/L)的慢乙肝患者中,高正常ALT(高nALT)患者的疾病进展风险更高(相关链接一、二),但较少有研究报道ALT 正常的慢乙肝患者接受抗病毒治疗的病毒学应答情况。 近期,温州医科大学第一附属医院的卢明芹教授、张慧芳教授,以及宁波市第一医院的杨乃彬医生等发表的一项研...
What is considered a normal range for ALT and AST? Normal ranges can vary by lab but typically fall between 7-56 units per liter of serum for ALT and 5-40 units for AST. 8 Is AST a reliable standalone indicator of liver health? Not as reliable as ALT; it's best to consider AST ...
There is also a wide gap between the upper limit of normal and dangerously high results. Mild elevations are generally considered to be two to three times the ULN. With some liver diseases, the level can be more than 50 times the ULN. Levels this high are described as deranged.5 Very el...
This way, you can quickly find out if your ratio is elevated, if you have high AST or normal ALT, or if all these enzymes are within their correct levels. All of these pieces of information may alter your physician's definitive diagnosis. Interpretation of the AST ALT ratio Too high of...
Elevated ALT, AST: AST/ALT ratio is usually <1, but can increase as fibrosis advances • Negative serology for infectious hepatitis; generally normal GGTP, and serum alkaline phosphatase • Hyperlipidemia (primarily hypertriglyceridemia) may be present • Elevated glucose levels may be present ...
AST:ALT ratio Although the normal range of AST and ALT level varies among laboratories and countries, the ratio of AST:ALT is key when it comes to diagnosing liver diseases. The use of this ratio was first suggested by de Ritis in 1955. He found that the ratio d...
Therefore, elevated serum AST level is not specific for liver cell damage, but may be useful for confirmation purpose. A liver biopsy is not error-proof, as the needle may miss its mark and extracted the healthy liver cells rather than the diseased ones. Reply ...
When the AST:ALT ratio rises above 1, fibrosis can be suspected, indicating that all is not normal.[viii] Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) without fibrosis or cirrhosis may be associated with an AST:ALT ratio below 1. The AST:ALT ratio is incorporated into a comprehensive NAFLD ...
Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST). Levels of both ALT and AST in your blood are usually low.High levels can mean that your liver is leaking these enzymes because it's damaged from cirrhosisor another disease. However, levels can still be normal if you have cirrhosis...