Numbers in Circles DescriptionNumbers in Circles SymbolNumbers in Circles ALT Code Black Circled One ❶ Alt + 10102 Black Circled Two ❷ Alt + 10103 Black Circled Three ❸ Alt + 10104 Black Circled Four ❹ Alt + 10105 Black Circled Five ❺ Alt + 10106 Black Circled Six ❻ Alt +...
holdaltandpress any 4-5 digits numbers, thenrelease the alt keywhen you’re done. The character will then appear. To know what’s the alt code for each characters and symbol in the list below, you can
If you have Linting turned on, the line number for the <img> tag will turn orange in the Code View window and a small orange circled ! will appear in the bottom of the document window. However, for some reason, my CC 2017.5 is not doing that right now (while CC 2015.2 works ...
Keyboard Shortcuts for Numbers in Circles Symbols Numbers in Circles Description Numbers in Circles Symbol Numbers in Circles Shortcut Black Circled One ❶ Alt + 10102 Black Circled Two ❷ Alt + 10103 Black Circled Three ❸ Alt + 10104 Black Circled Four ❹ Alt + 10105 Black Circled Fiv...