Section Symbol § Alt + 0167 Copyright © Alt + 0169 Feminine Ordinal Number ª Alt + 0170 Double Angle Quotation Left « Alt + 0171 Double Less than Mark « Alt + 0171 Registered ® Alt + 0174 Upper Dash ¯ Alt + 0175 Paragraph ¶ Alt + 0182 Center Dot · Alt + 0183 ...
Remember to press and hold the Alt key and enter a 0 (zero) before each code; for example: if the chart shows 169 as the copyright symbol, you must enter 0169 (that is, from 0 through 255).Somewhere around the decimal code 256, the preceding zero is no longer nece...
signs, and symbols, which are based on the ASCII character encoding standard. Examples of these special characters are accentedLatin letterssuch asñ,Greek letterssuch asΣ,mathematical symbolssuch as÷,punctuation signssuch as•,currency symbolssuch as£,graphical symbolssuch as ...
Select the symbol you want to copy. Use the Ctrl + C shortcut on your keyboard. Mac users, the shortcut is Command + C. Paste the symbol anywhere in your document. ℃℉° Hearts, etc. symbols Select the symbol you want to copy. Use the Ctrl + C shortcut on your keyboard. Mac u...
Alt 227πAlt 158₧Alt 40(Alt 0199ÇAlt 0231çIP Alt 37%Alt 230µAlt 159ƒAlt 41)Alt 0200ÈAlt 0232èAlt 0169©Alt 0137‰Alt 228ΣAccents Alt 91[Alt 0201ÉAlt 0233éAlt 169®Bracketing Alt 229σAlt 0180´Alt 93]Alt 0202ÊAlt 0234êAlt 0153™Alt Code Symbol Alt ...
Alt0169©Alt0137‰Alt228ΣAccentsAlt91[Alt0201ÉAlt0233é Alt169®BracketingAlt229σAlt0180´Alt93]Alt0202ÊAlt0234ê Alt0153™AltCodeSymbolAlt231τAlt0184¸Alt123{Alt0203ËAlt0235ë FilledArrowsAlt40(Alt232ΦWebMarketingAlt125}Alt0204ÌAlt0236ì ...
Perhaps the most distinct feature of Mac’s Alt key is the list of shortcut combinations that let youtype hidden keyword symbolswith ease. For example, if you want to insert the copyright symbol (©), you press Option + G, which is much simpler than Alt + 0169 on a Windows computer...
Section Symbol§Alt + 0167 Copyright©Alt + 0169 Feminine Ordinal NumberªAlt + 0170 Double Angle Quotation Left«Alt + 0171 Double Less than Mark«Alt + 0171 Registered®Alt + 0174 Upper Dash¯Alt + 0175 Paragraph¶Alt + 0182 ...