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ALSFRS-R评分量表 ALSFRS Instructions for completing the ALSFRS-R (ALS Functional Rating Scale) A. Comparisons are made with the patients status prior to the onset of the disease, not with status at the last visit. B. Patients response (on a 5 point scale) is recorded in relation to the ...
尽管硝酮嗪未达到治疗第180天时ALSFRS-R评分相对基线差值组间差异的主要终点,但在核心次要终点指标中,硝酮嗪治疗与安慰剂(标准治疗+安慰剂)相比,显著延缓ALS患者握力下降(P=0.037)。 近日,硝酮嗪治疗渐冻症的2期临床研究数据公布,在入组的155例患者中,在临床一线药物利鲁唑作为允许使用的合并治疗基础上,硝酮嗪治疗组...
ALSFRS-R评分量表 下载积分: 1688 内容提示: ALSFRS Instructions for completing the ALSFRS-R (ALS Functional Rating Scale) A. Comparisons are made with the patient's status prior to the onset of the disease, not with status at the last visit. B. Patient's response (on a 5 point scale) ...
The ALSFRS-R a revised ALS functional rating scale that :该ALSFRS-R ALS功能评定量表,修订 热度: 统一帕金森病评分量表 热度: ALSFRS InstructionsforcompletingtheALSFRS-R(ALSFunctionalRatingScale) A.Comparisonsaremadewiththepatient'sstatuspriortotheonsetofthedisease,notwithstatusatthelastvisit. ...
必应词典为您提供alsfrs-r的释义,网络释义: 肌萎缩侧索硬化功能评分;功能评定量表;