Let your rig auto bandswitch your ALS-500M Amplifier!The Ameritron ARI-500 Amplifier Radio Interface reads band data from your Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood or Alinco transceiver so they can remotely and automatically bandswitch your ALS-500M amp. Lets you mount
After checking for loose parts inside your amplifier, replace the cover. After installing the modification you may use the amplifier from 21.6 to 30 MHz in the "AUX" position. Switch the band switch on the front of the unit to the "AUX" position to transmit. ...
ET SYSTEM ELECTRONIC EHV10/SL/MOD500 USPP EHV10SLMOD500 ET84H45S Etamic E4016781006 CEB Modular Inputs 4-20mA Amplifier/Conditioner ETAMIC MOVOMATIC OPERATOR INTERFACE CMZ 200 CMZ200 04E132900 E500300/000 ETC ELTS2 Emergency Lighting Transfer System UL-1008 NEMA 700 w/OEM 返回...