Wiesbaden: VS. Charles, M. & K. Bradley, 2002: Equal but Separate? A Cross- National Study of Sex Segregation in Higher Education. American Sociological Review 67: 573–599. DAV, 2015: Was macht den heutigen Lateinunterricht unverwechselbar? (https://www. altphilologenverband. de/ index...
Sie bräuchten„nicht unbedingt so verstanden zu werden, dass die Hand garnicht verbrannt sei“(Jun Matsuura: Körper vs. Sprache. Zu poetologisch-anthropologischen Kon-zepten der Tristandichtungen Eilharts von Oberg und Gottfrieds von Straßburg. In: Neue Beiträgezur Germanistik 14/1...
Das Zusammenspiel formaler und informaler Strukturen in Organisationen (S. 227–296). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Google Scholar Schimank, U., & Lange, S. (2009). Germany: A latecomer to New Public Management. In C. Paradeise, E. Reale, I. Bleiklie & E. Ferlie (Hrsg.), University ...
From studies investigating the effects of responsibility frames at the individual vs. societal level, we know that individual frames lead to more individualized attributions and may inhibit the recipients' policy endorsement and lower intentions of civic engagement. It is therefore likely that frames at...
When interviewing prospective managers, you want to get a commitment from them as to how often they will conduct formal inspections of your properties. In some cases, managers will be very accommodating. In most, however, they will balk at this requirement or use it as a way to increase ...
Site of onset, side of onset, date of onset, sex, hand dominance, and years of formal education were collected using data recorded in the Piemonte and Valle D’Aosta register for ALS (PARALS, [10]). All neuropsychological evaluations were performed at diagnosis (diagnosis-evaluation interval ...
ALS subtypes (bulbar vs. limbs; upper limb vs. lower limb) show no differences for ultrasound parameters; Table S4: Group comparison ultrasound data in CMT 1A. Comparable results with the total CMT cohort; Table S5: Correlation ultrasound data vs. clinical scores in CMT 1A. Comparable results...
Welcome to the new Cold War: China vs. the United States (click for details on Zdnet) How China won the West (click for details on Times Live) Will a 'happy' China, make for a happier world? (click for Peter Foster's blog) China’s African investments: Who benefits? (click for de...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Pran Pratishtha rituals as Ram Lalla’s idol was unveiled for the world at Ayodhya Ram Temple on Monday. UP Governor Anandiben Patel, CM Yogi Adityanath, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat were also present inside the ‘garbh griha’ (sanctum sanctorum) of the ...
(1) Weiterentwicklung von Mitarbeitern mit unterschiedlichen Erfahrungsständen sowie (2) Förderung des Wissensaustauschs zwischen Generationen. Dazu klassifizieren wir Ansätze des intergenerationalen Lernens nach der Richtung (unidirektional ↔ wechselseitig) und dem Formalisierungsgrad (...