git submodule add 时明明已经删了文件但是还提示【already exists in the index】时因为git的缓存导致的,需要删除缓存的文件夹即可 $ git submodule add git@g***ml.git 'autotest' already exists in the index $ git rm -r --cached autotest
今天想在项目中添加一个submodule 一直报这个错, 原因是有相同名字的模块已经存在于git的索引中。 如果确认项目中没有同名的模块, 只需运行命令: git rm -r --cached XXXXX (报错模块的相对路径,即XXXXX already exists in the index 中的XXXXX)
用tortoisegit菜单中的submodule add,输入源地址和目标路径,确定后提示了一个错误,如下: 'components/modem' already exists in the index git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) (1625 ms @ 2018/11/8 16:02:09) 这意思就是说我的仓库索引里还有之前子模块的路径呗,于是乎,我又来了一番操作: 来一次...
简介:报错:Git上传代码报错 will not add file alias already exists in index Git上传代码报错 will not add file alias already exists in index。有同学遇到了这个错误。 过程: 有个文件名的大小写写错了,然后修改后重新上传一下代码,就报这个错了,说不能修改。 比如以前是xxx.java文件,提交上去了,现在需要...
Gets a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the monitoring object that already exists in the user role scope. C# 复制 [System.Obsolete("Use ObjectId")] public Guid MonitoringObjectId { get; } Property Value Guid Returns a GUID for the monitoring object that ...
Product documentation Development languages Topics Sign in We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Return to main site Search Index already exists. (Error 3284)Learn...
SQL Server:User, group, or role 'iemis' already exists in the current database. --最新的解决方法 --先创建用户帐户,不进行授权,然后通过下面的SQL语句将该用户帐户关联至对应的数据库用户。优点是避免了重新授权的操作。 USE tempdb EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'iemis', 'iemis'...
When we selectYes, this error appears and the configuration cannot be imported: File Type Already Exists The file type cannot be added, another file type with the ID 'Html embedded Content' already exists in the list. How can we avoid this error and be able to import our *....
Scanning error message; the file already exists in the catalogue keithE 53 Explorer , /t5/photoshop-elements-discussions/scanning-error-message-the-file-already-exists-in-the-catalogue/td-p/9565956 Jan 03, 2018 Jan 03, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied I successfully...
Sep 14, 2022 8:18 AM in response to Here_We_Go_Again2 This page means you're NOT enrolled in MDM. This page exists to self service enroll into MDM. This error shows when you try to use a non-managed Apple ID. You have nothing to worry about. Reply User profile for user: Her...