Keil error: #101: “name“ has already been declared in the current scope解决方法 keil编译时发生一连串#101 error问题 keil编译发生错误 #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>...// 标头档#define Result_TIMOUT 3#define Result_INTIAL 0#define Result_ERROR 1...// 预处理typedefenum{MD_INIT,HARDW...
< TIMER0 break interrupts */..\..\Firmware\CMSIS\GD\GD32F10x\Include\gd32f10x.h(262):error:#101:"TIMER0_UP_IRQn"has already been declared in the current scope TIMER0_UP_IRQn=25,/*!< TIMER0 update interrupts */..\..\Firmware\CMSIS\GD\GD32F10x\Include\gd32f10x.h(263):error:...
Expected diagnostics: error: “x” has already been declared in the current scope Actual diagnostics: nothing Version: 19.29.30133 C11: If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears inside a block or within the list of parameter declarations in a...
如题,在进行sx1278驱动移植时报错很多个"IRQn" has already been declared in the current scope,发现问题是在stm32f10x.h和stm32f103xe.h中重复定义了很多个这样的中断向量,为什么会同时调用这两个头文件呢?原来是在这两个文件中包含的头文件写错了我使用的单片机芯片为STM32F103RCT6,而要包含的头文件并不是s....
keil编译发生错误#include#include... // 标头档#define Result_TIMOUT 3#define Result_INTIAL 0#define Result_ERROR 1... // 预处理typedef enum{ MD_INIT, HARDWARE_CHECK, F. 单片机ME950单片机嵌入式硬件 声明:本文内容及配图由入驻作者撰写或者入驻合作网站授权转载。文章观点仅代表作者本人,不代表电子发...
".../include/json/include/nlohmann/detail/iterators/iteration_proxy.hpp", line 151: error: "tuple_size" has already been declared in the current scope class tuple_size<::nlohmann::detail::iteration_proxy_value<IteratorType>> ^ As can be seen, the error originates from the header-file iter...
Error[Pe101]: ''PAL_IOLSTATE_NOREQUEST'' has already been declared in the current scope Error[Pe101]: ''PAL_IOLSTATE_ACTIVE_REQUEST'' has already been declared in the current scope (at line 487) Error[Pe101]: ''PAL_IOLSTATE_APP_ACTIVE'' has already been declared in the current ...
Same problem cc-1101 CC: ERROR File =, Line = 1415 "i" has already been declared in the current scope. for (uint i= 0; i < instance_options_map.records; ++i) ^ Just declaren "uint i= 0;" in line 1390 and just use i=0 in the both for loops around line 1394 ...
; hasalreadybeen declared inthecurrent scope解决方法———>>> 屏蔽...错误:…\USB\STM32_USB_OTG_Driver\inc\usb_core.h(99): error: #101: “URB_NOTREADY” STM32MP1系列 M4点亮OLED , 这里提供了下载地址 4.2 使用STM32CubeIDE1.3.0编译工程。