自定义开机自启服务,由于Alpine Linux自带了nohup后台守护,我们就直接使用nohup设置开机自启。 先编辑下startup.start文件,注意,.start后缀需要固定,前面名称随意: vi startup.start 我的内容如下 #!/bin/bashsudonohuppython3 /home/plugin/main.py & >> /home/plugin/plugin.log 然后保存退出。 赋予脚本可执行...
直接抄中科大的帮助http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/help/alpine.html 一般情况下,将/etc/apk/repositories文件中 Alpine 默认的源地址http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/替换为http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/即可。 sudo vi /etc/apk/repositories 1. Alpine Linux 包管理 1.简介 Alpine使用apk进行包管理,下面介绍常...
-a Create Alpine linux overlay file ? 不理解 #选择键盘 /sbin/setup-keymap ${KEYMAPOPTS} 加载键盘布局 #设定主机名 /sbin/setup-hostname ${HOSTNAMEOPTS} 设置主机名 $INTERFACESOPTS 网卡选项 /etc/init.d/networking --quiet start & #启动网络服务 /sbin/setup-dns ${DNSOPTS} 启动dns passwd #设...
After this, my iCloudPD-boredazfcuk container launchs and the startup script loops after the set interval time. Dockerfile has a health check which will change the status of the container to 'unhealthy' if the cookie is due to expire within a set number of days (notification_days) and ...
setting up Alpine Linux as a desktop daily driver. Contribute to Marco-DG/Alpine-Linux-Desktop-Setup development by creating an account on GitHub.
and it would wait 10 seconds to give the database some time to start and then run that alembic command. If you need to run a Python script before starting the app, you could make the /app/prestart.sh file run your Python script, with something like: #! /usr/bin/env bash # Run ...
vim Dockerfile # 基础镜像 FROM alpine # 作者信息 MAINTAINER nginx 1.17.3 Docker Maintainers "87984115@qq.com" # 修改源 RUN sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apk/repositories # 安装ca 证书 RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache ca-certificates # 设置环境...
要做定时任务,有的存储过程要在夜间去和financial 的 服务器来交互。我的第一个反应就是用LINUX 的...
Alpine Linuxv3.8.1. Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based onmusl libc(v1.1.19) andBusyBox. NFS v4 only, over TCP on port 2049. Rpcbind is enabled for now to overcome a bug with slow startup, it shouldn't be required. ...
1、执行命令:docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up –build –force-recreate 时,报错:ERROR [startup_object-fpm internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/php:7.4-fpm-alpine 。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16