apk add bash # 安装 bash 文档 apk add bash-doc # 安装 bash 自动命令补全 apk add bash-completion # 使用 bash 作为 shell bash # 需要从主机登录到 Alpine Linux LXD 虚拟机,比如我从kubernets进去 kubectl exec -it acme-orderer-0 /bin/bash # 需要将 root shell 更改为 bash vi /etc/passwd #...
安装bash 自动命令补全,请运行: 1 # apk add bash-completion 示例如下: 图1:如何在 Alpine Linux 中成功运行 bash 使用bash 作为 shell,需要输入 bash: 1 $bash 需要从主机登录到 Alpine Linux LXD 虚拟机,请输入: 1 $ lxcexecalpine-lxd-vm-name-herebash 需要将 root shell 更改为 bash,请输入: 1 #...
Docker 20.10 was released 9 months before Alpine 3.14. Docker 19.03 is now officially EOL. It is unreasonable to expect volunteer projects to expend effort to support EOL software. Moreover, the premise is not even correct. As documented in the Alpine Linux 3.14 release notes, there are altern...
2019-12-03 14:02 −* [bash常见特殊符号及含义](https://tlanyan.me/special-chars-in-bash/) * [linux中shell变量的含义解释](https://www.cnblogs.com/fhefh/archive/2011/04/15/2017613.html)... coding-for-self 0 341 报错“bash: jps: command not found” ...
-bash: zip: command not found提示解决办法 -bash: zip: command not found 是因为liunx服务器上没有安装zip命令,需要安装一下即可 linux安装zip命令: apt-get install zip 或yum install zip linux安装unzip命令: apt-get install unzip 或yum install unzip ——-本目录下的所有文件(含子目录)压缩为osafuzh...
## Alpine linux为了精简本身并没有安装太多的常用软件,apk类似于ubuntu的apt-get, ## 用来安装一些常用软V件,其语法如下:apk add bash wget curl git make vim docker ## wget是linux下的ftp/http传输工具,没安装会报错“/bin/sh: wget: not found”,网上例子少安装wget ...
steps Running sbt with java 8 on alpine 3.19 fails due to java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError. Try to invoke sbt when running on alpine 3.19, e.g. using docker: docker run --rm -it alpine:3.19 # inside the container: apk add openjdk8 bash cd ...
情况1: 不升级镜像底层(alpine版本)正常运行(镜像也安装了openssh),构建也如期进行。 情况2: 升级镜像底层(安装openssh),构建密钥就过不去了。。。 结合密钥过不去,那问题很大概率应该就是出现在openssh的版本了。。Alpine LinuxApk查询:pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages ...
## Alpine linux为了精简本身并没有安装太多的常用软件,apk类似于ubuntu的apt-get, ## 用来安装一些常用软V件,其语法如下:apk add bash wget curl git make vim docker ## wget是linux下的ftp/http传输工具,没安装会报错“/bin/sh: wget: not found”,网上例子少安装wget ...
command-not-found-0.3-r1.apk 2.8 KB 2023-04-20 14:56 compat-pvgrub-1-r2.apk 2.7 KB 2023-04-20 14:56 compiler-rt-16.0.6-r1.apk 10.0 MB 2023-06-16 23:19 composer-zsh-completion-5.9-r2.apk 9.9 KB 2023-04-20 14:56 confuse-3.3-r3.apk 22.9 KB 2023-04-20 14:56 confuse-dev...