现在我们有了那辆车:2021Alpine A110Legende GT,一辆拥有 292 马力、运动型排气装置和升级版 S 刹车的汽车——但是“传奇 GT 车型的舒适和豪华旅行”。(去年推出的 Legende GT配备了 1.8 涡轮增压的 252 马力版本。) 所以改头换面很熟悉——注意金色徽章、半透明尾灯和厚实的真皮座椅——最终结果也是如此。也许...
这就是 Alpine 对 A110 Legende 所做的事情。 Alpine 是复兴的法国跑车制造商,它在 2019 年推出了轻量化、中置发动机的 A110 轿跑车,然后在今年早些时候推出了更运动、更强大的 A110 S 车型,给我们留下了深刻的印象。 A110 S机型动力更足,更专注 这款Legende 车型——不要与限量版基于 A 110 S 的 Legende...
#CSC新闻# James May测评Alpine A110:关于小车优势,关于复古设计和车迷心理,关于大趋势和油车的反击,等等等。(JamesMay) 云评:这是船长自己的A110。#汽车评测# #雷诺# http://t.cn/A6MvwX3F
Alpine(阿尔卑斯)刚刚为其欧洲客户推出了2021款A110 Légende GT跑车特别版,限量300辆,并提供两种独特的配色方案。视觉效果肯定要归功于独特的设计组合,两种版本均配有浅金Alpine字母图案和18英寸的Grand Prix合金轮毂,并配有金色制动卡钳,其他设计亮点包括半透明的LED尾灯。 内部设计有独家琥珀棕色皮革的Sabelt Comfort桶...
AlpineAlpine A110 2021款Légende GT频道为您提供AlpineAlpine A110 2021款Légende GT配置信息,包括安全装备,操控配置,内置配置,性能参数,车型资料大全等,查AlpineAlpine A110 2021款Légende GT参数配置,就上懂车帝。
Reviews (0) Description Of all the new generation versions the Alpine A110 Pure is the one arguably most faithful to the spirit of the brand and the effective successor to the 1973 Monte-Carlo winning Berlinette. So for our latest A110 Pure we have again looked to Alpine’s palette of ...
Tags: Alpine A110, 2021 Alpine A110, Alpine, A110 Compare Report Error More Seller Information We do not reveal seller's information for expired posts. Please click here for available cars for sale. Recommended for you 1-6 of 9 Five tips for charging EVs that new owners should know ...
新款Alpine A110发布!性能部件加持,新增闭缸技术 日前,新款Alpine A110(图片)正式发布官图,新车包括标准版、GT版和S版三款车型,目前已在海外开启预定,售价区间为5.95-7.15万欧元(约42.61-51.2万元);今年12月1日将率先登陆法国市场,未来还有望引入国内市场。
Alpine’s decision to save weight by doing without side-impact airbags is its undoing in Australia. And it’s not just the A110 that’s been hanged in red tape – the Nissan GT-R and Lexus RC-F have been strung up as well. That means one of the smallest and most remote car mar...
Expert Reviews Expert-Tested Gear What's My Car Worth? NewsHome NewsLotus and Alpine Cancel Their Joint Electric Sports Car Project The successor to the Alpine A110 was supposed to be co-developed with Lotus, but the companies are going their separate ways. ...