The 296bhp Alpine A110 GT J Rédélé is a new limited edition 30 May 2022 Formula One Alpine has made some special A110 colours for the Miami Grand Prix 04 May 2022 Opinion Opinion: has Alpine done enough to the ‘new’ A110 to battle the Lotus Emira?
El espectacular deportivo galo suma a la familia una cuarta versión A110 R Turini que combina la extrema puesta a punto del R con retoques para hacerlo más versátil.
在外观特色方面,AlpineA110LegendeGT2021具有新车色MercurySilver雾银色,亦有AbyssBlue蓝色供选择。 搭配镶嵌在前叶子板上专属的淡金色A字样,与18寸GrandPrix钻石切削铝制轮毂和具质感的金色刹车卡钳。而车尾那新式X型光源的尾灯,更是辨别AlpineA110LegendeGT2021与一般版A110最好的方式。在车内部分,AlpineA110LegendeGT20...
Following their collaboration for the “Alpine F1 x Felipe Pantone”,the French carmakerand Argentinian artist revealed a new A110 with custom paintwork on the side-lines of the Monaco F1 Grand Prix. ADVERTISEMENT Thespecial Alpine A110features a bespoke paint job, which was carried ou...
You see, Alpine’s cars at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix and 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps will be carrying a special QR code: scan that, and you’ll be able to enter a prize draw to be among the first to see the A290_β in person.READ...
The Alpine A110 Range The Alpine A110 range has been updated, with three distinct new versions, uprated performance, and more equipment than ever The revised range now consists of A110 offering a pure and typically Alpine driving experience, the luxurious... ...
下一步是A110GT。 在这种情况下,发动机的功率增加到 300 马力,并与该品牌称为“Alpine”的特定底盘相结合。 从美学上来说,它更加优雅,并且拥有更多的设备。 例如,我们可以提到 18 英寸黑色钻石 Grand Prix 车轮、Focal Premium 音响设备、电致变色后视镜或加热座椅。 与之前的情况一样,踏板也是由铝制成的。它...
Meanwhile, Signatech and Alpine are working to get an FIA R-GT homologation, in which the homologation process is still ongoing, in collaboration with the FFSA. This will culminate in the coming weeks and pave the way for the commercialization, then delivery of the first Alpine A110 Rally ...
Following their collaboration for the “Alpine F1 x Felipe Pantone”, the French carmaker and Argentinian artist revealed a new A110 with custom paintwork on the side-lines of the Monaco F1 Grand Prix. The special Alpine A110 features a bespoke paint job, which was carried out entirely by ...