Alphonse Mucha/阿尔丰斯·穆夏 1860-1939 标志性新艺术运动海报背后的艺术家 关于Alphonse Mucha 捷克出生的艺术家阿尔方斯·穆夏(Alphonse Mucha)是新艺术派画家、插画家和平面艺术家。作为世纪之交巴黎最著名…
这位新艺术风格(Art Nouveau)的大师阿尔方斯·穆夏(Alphonse Mucha,1860-1939)是捷克公认的国宝艺术家,是20世纪初叶巴黎流行的“新艺术”的代表人物。 他所缔造出的风格样式当时遍布世界各地,从巴黎、布鲁塞尔、维也纳、伦敦,远渡新大陆的纽约,穿越太平洋到达东京、上海,产生了巨大的影响。 阿尔丰斯 · 穆夏 Alphonse ...
阿尔丰斯·玛丽亚·慕夏(Alfons Maria Mucha,Alphonse Mucha)是一位捷克画家、插画家和图形艺术家,新艺术运动时期居住在巴黎,以其独特的风格和装饰性而闻名,戏剧海报,尤其是莎拉·伯恩哈特(Sarah Bernhardt)的海报。 他创作了插图、广告、装饰板和设计,成为当时最著名的作品之一。 在他职业生涯的第二阶段,57岁的他回...
Count Karl Khuen of Mikulov hired Mucha to decorate Hrušovany Emmahof Castle with murals, and was impressed enough that he agreed to sponsor Mucha's formal training at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. Mucha moved to Paris in 1887, and continued his studies at Académie Julian and ...
✨七件事,了解Alphonse Mucha/穆夏 1.穆夏1860年出生于捷克,是新艺术运动的杰出代表艺术家。不只是绘制插画和海报,他的创作还包括架上油画、雕塑、舞台美术设计、室内设计、珠宝设计、包装设计、摄影等等。他...
BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- A large number of masterpieces by Art Nouveau pioneer Alphonse Mucha are on display at the National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing. The exhibition, which started Friday, showcases a total of 244 artworks including posters, decorative sheets, bo...
French poet Alphonse de Lamartine, who visited Damascus in 1833, described the genius Damascene architecture and architects as saying: " A people whose architects are capable to draw a likeness of Khan Asaad Pasha and workers capable to execute it will not die in the field of arts". Ancient-...
Again, the works of the famous graphic artist Alphonse Mucha, who were in the same period, were also identified with this movement, causing the period to be called "Le Style Mucha". The artist's unique style produced unprecedented works at the period through differ...
In 1878, Alphonse Mucha applied to attend the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, but he was unsuccessful. In 1880, at age 19, he traveled to Vienna and found work as an apprentice scenery painter in local theaters. Unfortunately, the Ringtheater, one of Mucha's company's key clients, burne...
Mucha (1860-1939) was internationally renowned for his distinct style. Helena Koenigsmarkova, director of the Czech Republic Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, said the selected works from the museum represented the main highlights of Mucha's production. ...